August 26, 2009

Hockey Fight

I was pretty excited for Jim Balsillie in the beginning when he put in a bid to buy the Phoenix Coyotes with plans to move them to Hamilton, Ontario coz wow, a Canadian bringing the Canadian game back to Canada! But as the hockey opera drags on and he's resorted to mudslinging and petulance I'm wondering what exactly he's trying to achieve.

I may not be an international business magnate so perhaps he knows better but it seems to make sense to me that when trying to enter an extremely exclusive boys' club run by a teeny tiny little bobble headed person that you try to get as many allies as you can instead of smearing their names in the mud. I don't think that's part of any initiation process so at this point it seems to me that even Mr. Balsillie knows that he's not going to be allowed to buy the team. For payback, he's going to take down the league?

I don't know if what he's doing will ultimately clear up and improve the league or not. Right now he's looking pretty immature, at least from what the media reports. Call me a lightweight but I don't think I can support him and his cause any longer.

August 04, 2009

Status Quo

It's puzzling to me when a person I haven't seen in awhile but knew I was pregnant exclaims with surprise, "Hi Stinky T, wow, you've gotten big!" Was I supposed to stay the same size until we met up again? Surely they knew that I'm supposed to get all big and unwieldy as the months crawl by..

I realize a lot of times it's due to people feeling the need to say something for the sake of being friendly, starting up a conversation, something.. it's probably along the same lines as "How 'bout them Leafs?" and "Can you believe the weather lately?" but yah. It's boring.

I think I may have heaved and rolled off the wrong side of the bed this morning if comments like that bug me. I want to be comforted by heaping mounds of junk food, none of which I'm allowed to have. That makes me even more grumpy. This post got angrier the more I typed. I'm just going to pout.