March 28, 2006


I've been at SAP training these past few days and I hate it so I haven't been able to update. Instead here's a few here and there thoughts.

> SAP is one mother-effin' stupid creation, and why it's so popular is incomprehensible. SAP lovers are morons... although once I'm proficient at it I'm sure I'll be just another SAP moron.

> It's pronounced "EN-ti-ty", not "EN-i-ty", you're driving me bananas!

> No food or drinks in the lab? For a day-long grazer, that's just torture! I bought a can of almonds and periodically went out in the hallway to eat them. Like a loser.

> Watching the guy play with his English Sheepdog made me smile. The dog was one big hairy, dirty, bouncing ball of happiness.

> You looked so snappy in your expensive, black suit... until I looked down and saw your brown belt and shoes.

> St. Lawrence Market looks so friggin' dirt, but the inside stuff is cool to look at and eat. And Future Bakery makes good butter tarts. Mmm...

> I'm moving faster in the mornings now. It doesn't take 20 minutes to get out of bed, get dressed and go downstairs anymore. Not since the sun started getting up earlier too.

> There aren't too many smiles downtown, the world is too serious. The only happy faces I see are on the dogs going out for their walks.

> Overheard that every job from which you've ever been fired was due to the boss not liking your rejecting his sexual advances. I'm thinking: a) you're not that hot (at all) and b) every job? Maybe your story needs a little tweaking coz I'm really not buying it...

> Spring is coming! The geese and ducks are pairing off. The mallards are back!

> It's almost sandal season, which means pedicure season, which I really need coz my feet are starting to look like lethal weapons... but not in the Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues kind of way.

> Saw Britney on the cover of a magazine and felt sorry for her. I've never been a fan, but damn... she's really let herself go. We need a side-by-side.

Now I don't mean she's let herself go in terms of pregnancy weight but she's just looking so white trash now. Her boobs are all hanging out but not in a sexy way, her belly's everywhere and seriously, greasy ponytail on top of her head, lighting a fresh one with tacky cut-offs? Sighh.. who will ever look at her like the sexy little pop tart she used to be?

> I need to remember the deep and important things I think about during the day so that they make it onto my random thoughts list instead of Britney Spears.

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