April 20, 2006

0bl!t3r8!ng 0bsc3n!ty*

I often wonder when people are angry or frustrated and they write it down on their websites, why they use symbols and stars to swear. The reader knows of their intentions, the author has made clear what his/her intentions are, it's not like I can be confused when I read "@sshole".

So why the deliberate change? Are they scared of being caught swearing? Is it the childhood guilt of being told that it's a bad thing that they can't quite wash away? Is it the safe way to express anger and still retain a good image? I don't get it. Like I said, it's not hard to decipher "sh!t or f*ck so whether or not you replace the vowels with meaningless symbols you're still cursing. Right?

I have no problems with swearing. It's an easy way to express myself without having to be intelligent. As long as I'm not doing it around kids I don't see why an occasional cuss is wrong. Bad words to me, are for emphasis. I'm not the kind of person who peppers every sentence with fucks, shits and goddamns.

So if you're going to swear, go all the way. None of this halfway cowardly shit. Don't be a pussy, if you want to say fuck then you have the right to do so. If you can't bring yourself to do it then you should just stay away from these bad words completely. Try darn or shucks or my goodness.


Anonymous said...

That is so the filters don't weed out the sware stupid!

Stinky T said...

you spell good!


Holden said...

>I have no problems with swearing.

Yeah me either, but unfortunately some people stop listening to you if you're swearing. Plus it's more effective if used with some, um, selectivity.

On the other hand, using little symbols to replace letters is, admittedly, pretty fucking stupid.

Good post, or maybe I should say, "Fuck yeah!"

Stinky T said...

Agreed. It's like a very angry person yelling, "Oh..FUDGE!!" Not only will I burst out laughing, I'd also be thinking, "Is your mom here? Will she wash out your 34 year old mouth if she heard the other version?"