August 14, 2006

Expand Your Lungs

The weather lately has been beautiful, the humidity has snapped and although it can get hot under the sun, you can’t beat hanging out in the shade. Mr. Stinky and I enjoy the outdoors; we bike, garden, hike, camp and go for walks… even on those yucky, sticky days. I figure you can’t be a constant shut-in, right? Everyone needs to go outside to relax, get some fresh air and have some fun when they can, especially since the majority of us go into a state of semi-hibernation come winter.

I’m coming to the realization that a lot of people don’t agree with me, a lot of people don’t like to breathe outdoors air or be outside. The past week or so, we’ve enjoyed having the windows opened and the a/c off. There is almost always a lovely breeze coming from the lake and it feels nice… different from manufactured cool air. I’ve even been using the side burner of our BBQ more often, just to be outside. However, all through the day and night, our next door neighbour’s a/c is running. And loudly at that. These last few nights temperatures went down to the low teens but I’ve deduced they like it much colder than that. I don’t even know what their bills are like but to give you a hint: they moved in about 6 months after we did and once as I was doing some gardening I looked at their meter. The numbers were already much higher than ours. Yowza!

It’s not an isolated case either, I’ve been told by some that their windows do not open. At home if the heat’s not on, then the a/c is. Not only do I find this quite wasteful in terms of unnecessary hydro use, which translates to further lining the pockets of our energy providers it leaves me with the question of why we don’t like natural, fresh air? Do we believe that it’s better inside? Not to get all scientificy here and I won’t be referencing anything, but I’m pretty sure that most studies between indoor and outdoor air have proven that the latter is usually cleaner and fresher. Or perhaps the age of artificial living has moved in whereby we don’t do or use anything unless it’s not in its raw state. Intriguing.

In any case, I don’t know why it’s on my mind. I don’t suppose it’s an issue of right or wrong, just different mindsets. But if you can before it gets cold, go outside and enjoy the weather. It doesn’t get any better than right now.

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