October 01, 2006

Sobering UP

Ohhh... I don't feel so good. At least it didn't take me 3 minutes to log in this time because I kept typing in the worng udnsername and password but I'm currentlyu on the couch taking deep beraths and waiting for the aolcohol to pass. Ebereyone's downstairs plaing pool but I don't thin I can stand up straight anybnore. That's a bnad sign. The poorer my posture the worse I'm doing, it's my alcholoidc gauge. I might pass out soon coz i"M getting sllepy too but it's OK. Gorss, I just burped and something soru scamp up. Mini bard s are gross.

Why am I such a cheap drunk? I eman, horribly cheapl. If you meat me in a bar and bougth me one drink I'd be yours for ht e night... as long as you hold me hari back while I soil your shoes in the back alley or wherever we end up o n nour rjoanmantic sojourn. THis is making no sense. My head hrts and my pulse is racing I ened to lie down even more but at least I don't have the spins. Those are no good mYU butt is itchy and I just tooted but I forgot that I have guests over. I hope they didn't hear coz it's was kind of loud but I think I'ts OK. I thini ti hahppend after they went hdownstairs czo I woudl'tve heard laughing.

I realy o'dt feel so good. I better go ijust in case.

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