November 19, 2006

Would That Be Brunch Or Just Nasty?

Had to come downtown for work this morning. Sighhh...

Got some liquid caffeine and deep fried sugary lovin' from Tim's for second breakfast and to keep me conscious.

Random couple buying street meat from the corner vendor. Not quite 9am.



Holden said...

Street meat=bad, but "deep-fried sugary lovin'" from Timmy's is good?

I'm with you on the first part (and caffeine is always good), but donuts??? Ugh.

Bagels. Bagels are the answer.

Stinky T said...

I only indulge about once a month or when I absolutely need something disgusting to keep me going. Other than that I usually stay away from them.

But see, I can understand how they go with coffee. A little sweet to balance out the bitter. Right?

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I can't believe a street place is open that early let alone people buying it...ugh...our city hits a new low...