August 20, 2007

Get Out Get out Get Out!

Here's an update on recent days.

Not sleeping. I sleep a little but am awake a lot... not fair. I don't even have a baby to tend to yet... unless you count the amount of time I've had Whiskey draped over my shoulder while I pace, pat her bum and she purrs into my ear as practice... It's now 4:15am. I've been up longer than I've slept so far tonight.

Going out to eat. The "enjoy the alone time before baby comes" dates, we've done several this weekend. I'm already planning for next weekend.

Gardening. I'm bored and it's nice outside, now for at least the next little while my garden is neatly pruned, weeded and watered.

Laundry. No matter what, the world still revolves around the sun, we still need clean underwear and I still don't trust Mr. Stinky to handle my delicates. I'm anal like that.

Cleaning. My floors needed some attention, I got down and gave them some. Haven't found a mop that works as well as being on my hands and knees, but then the latter is almost always the way to go when performing any task. Wait, did I just say that? ;0)

Visited people. Went and saw some friends who are new parents and talked shop about banal stuff like diapers, weight gain, vomitting, etc.

Walked. The stairs, the neighbourhood, the malls... yesterday Mr. Stinky took me down to the Lake and we hiked up and down the Bluffs to check out the beach. That sounded more arduous than it actually was but you can be impressed anyway.

Set several world and Olympic records for urinary frequency. My bladder actually feels worn out and bruised, I have to go so often. And let's not even talk about how many times I've almost peed myself getting to the toilet.

You get the picture. I did everything but push out a squalling baby. I should be in the hospital screaming my head off while plugged in to several epidurals and knocking back my cocktail of morphine and girly coolers. Does morphine bung you up? I know codeine does so I'm staying away from that... but I hope morphine's not so wicked on the digestive system. Anyway, let's have this kid already. I'm tired of waiting!


The Shuster said...

At least you're keeping busy.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

I was just about to email you!
You'd better post before you head out to the hospital! LOL

Is Mr. Stinky off work too?

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

Oh, and if they're born on the 23rd, you have to name them my name....girl or boy! LOL