June 03, 2008

It's How I Roll

The title could just as easily be: Why I'm a Loser Reason #7792

We went shopping.  We needed groceries and just wanted to hang out at some other stores to look at what we most likely didn't need but might consider buying anyway.  99% of the time it's for the baby.  Going out now consists of so much more than just grabbing your keys and wallet before flying out the door.  With a kid in tow, every last detail must be planned, rechecked, initialled and government triple stamped before you can even think about leaving the house.  Usually halfway down the street you'll inevitably double back because you've forgotten something by the front door.  I've actually taken Bug-bug to grandma's and forgotten her diaper bag once.  Once.  Now an emergency diaper bag lives in the trunk of the car.

So after we'd been out for a few hours meandering public spaces and running errands it was time to go home.  Mr. Stinky carried in the stuff we bought and I brought in the baby.  It didn't dawn on me until I got one shoe off what I had been wearing the entire time we were out.  I didn't even feel the difference which I suppose is a good thing coz if I had known earlier, just the feel of two completely different shoes would have pissed me off to no end.  I don't know if anyone out there noticed, you probably laughed at me.  Just know that I'm a totally cutting edge style maven, one day it won't be so strange.  


The Shuster said...

I've been wanting to do that for a few years now but haven't had the fashion savvy to do it. Way to lead the way in shoe fashion. I bet you were even wearing two different socks too. LOL!

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

I've done that too....but i don't have a kid to blame it on...and I went the whole WORK day like that.

Granted, they were both Brown. One had a velcro thingie and one had a buckle...

Stop laughing.