August 04, 2009

Status Quo

It's puzzling to me when a person I haven't seen in awhile but knew I was pregnant exclaims with surprise, "Hi Stinky T, wow, you've gotten big!" Was I supposed to stay the same size until we met up again? Surely they knew that I'm supposed to get all big and unwieldy as the months crawl by..

I realize a lot of times it's due to people feeling the need to say something for the sake of being friendly, starting up a conversation, something.. it's probably along the same lines as "How 'bout them Leafs?" and "Can you believe the weather lately?" but yah. It's boring.

I think I may have heaved and rolled off the wrong side of the bed this morning if comments like that bug me. I want to be comforted by heaping mounds of junk food, none of which I'm allowed to have. That makes me even more grumpy. This post got angrier the more I typed. I'm just going to pout.

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