January 11, 2006

Wait Your Damn Turn!

A few things have happened between the last post and this one that I really wanted to write about, but there are some things that just aren't meant to go online or be made public, so that's why I haven't updated in a few days. Carrying on.

So this is my latest rant. I don't want the general reader to think I'm a miserable person because I write so many angry blogs. It's just "Today was great. Nothing really interesting happened, but I love the world." doesn't catch anyone's attention, least of all mine.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who interrupt. Yes, I'm talking to you people who won't let people finish their sentences or stories before you have to interject because you think what you're about to say is just that important. There are times when I'm having a hugely animated conversation with my friends like you wouldn't believe. We've got arms flapping around in the air for visual effect, spit flying like those ch-ch-ch sprinklers, faces red from laughing and excitement, and the most telling clue of all: words and noises coming out of our mouths. In the midst of this people will walk right up and start talking to one of us as if we had been standing there the whole time, picking our noses and waiting for life to happen.

I am just flabbergasted as to how rude people can be. What happened to saying "excuse me", "sorry to interrupt" or even just standing there waiting for the sentence to at least finish? Do you know how many times at work where I am on the phone or obviously busy with my work but someone will march on in and start talking to me or demanding assistance which, once I've heard it, really wasn't urgent at all? I have had to interrupt my calls or train of thought, I have been firm but polite in asking them to wait a minute and I have given some really terse responses. There is never any change and the next time we just hop on the same ride, doing the same routine.

I also get irritated when in the midst of a conversation someone will jump in and yell at high volumes, because I guess if you've got to interrupt you might as well make sure everyone pays full attention to you, something that really has no relevance to the original matter at hand. Say we're discussing our pets... "OH!! I HAVE A COUSIN (whom you've never met, heard of or care about) AND SHE REALLY LOVES GUESS WATCHES AND SHE'S GOT ONE THAT'S PURPLE AND THE SECOND HAND HAS A HELLO KITTY ON IT AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT A SECOND HAND IS? IT'S THE SKINNIEST POINTER IN THE WATCH THAT MOVES THE FASTEST AND IT'S SO CUTE BECAUSE NOOOOBODY ELSE HAS ONE LIKE IT AND I LOVE HER WATCH AND IF I EVER SEE ONE I'M GOING TO BUY IT. ISN'T THAT SO COOOL? DON'T YOU WANT A GUESS WATCH JUST LIKE HER? ISN'T SHE FUNNY? YOU GUYS COULD SOOO BE FRIENDS COZ YOU'RE BOTH THE SAME AGE"....... Maybe that's a poor example, but it's all I can think of right now. You get the picture. Stupid people I don't care about buying stupid watches with stupid Hello Kitty hands. That's why you interrupted me? That's why you had to screech through all the other voices and waste a whole minute (counted by Hello Kitty) of my life?

I don't understand why people think they, their needs or "contributions" are so important that they have to butt in front of others to become first in line. Don't people know how to wait anymore? I admit that I do it too, we all do, especially when we get excited. But the main thing is I try to keep that at a minimum. I try not to be so rude that the other person's spotlight somehow becomes mine. If someone's on the phone, it makes chronological and logical sense that I wait for them to finish the call before I walk in with my purpose for visiting. Of course there are always exceptions. If we're doing the "Weather's nice"......"Yep".... conversation and someone's house is burning please don't hesitate to run over and start yelling about the fire and that we need to call 911 and help whoever might still be inside.

So you. Yah, you know this is about you. Shut up and wait for your turn to talk. My life isn't about waiting around for you to pay attention to me. Learn some manners, be patient and stop butting in while I'm busy with something else that might actually be important.

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