May 19, 2006

Update, Please?

I haven't been inspired to write lately. I feel like I should to prove I'm not getting lackadaisical about my updates... actually, I am. Nothing's happening in my life that makes me want to type and backspace (mostly the latter), spell check and post. I feel guilty about it and believe me, I've started many a post only to delete them because the only thing that pisses me off more than not writing is writing something not worth reading. Call it integrity guilt... I wouldn't subject you to reading something that starts and ends nowhere, with a bunch of used toilet paper sandwiched in the middle.

So here it is, to assuage my shame I'm telling you I got nothing just so I've got something. I'm publishing words that explain nil and essentially is a waste of everyone's time. The only thing worth mentioning is that I'm starting to PMS again... the inner bitch is quickly bubbling up from the depths and sending everyday bitch to the hyperbaric chambers with the bends for the next little while. What was that about now? No idea. Just don't cross my path for the next 2 weeks.

Apparently that means I'm halfway decent for 2 weeks out of the month. Who doesn't like batting .500? Awesome stat in baseball, not so good as a hockey goalie. Tomato, tomahto. Whatev.

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