June 07, 2006

Contingency Plan

With the daily media revelations about these "Homegrown Terrorists", I'm planning my escape/survival route from work. It seems these idiots who in a whole other tangent, are the product of society and how we isolate certain groups but the parents being the dominant influences in a child's life shall remain blameless because they didn't know what their kids were up to and besides, these are all the conspiratory lies spun by the government to deflect focus on more real and important issues happening in the world. Oh we are the poor and downtrodden!

Anyway, from the news it seems these guys wanted to blow up some buildings in the downtown core. I'm in the downtown core. Among the selected are the CSIS building on Front Street West and the CBC building on John Street, both of which are of close proximity to where I put in my daily 8 hours. Me no likey. A lot. So I've decided that should anything happen, anything at all... if a ladybug should fart, I'm outta there! I love love love being nosy and rubbernecking, but I must wean myself of this inquisitive habit. I don't want to be like one of the victims of the Halifax Explosion who ran down to the shore to watch a loaded munitions ship burning in the channel, forgetting that the stuff inside were made to explode, burn and kill. I won't be like the poor people in the World Trade Centre towers who stayed in their offices because the buildings were supposed to be strong enough to withstand any attack. Granted, they were told to and believed that staying inside would be safer than going out, with the chaos and falling debris but that's not for me.

If something should happen downtown, even if it's not near my workplace I'm leaving. I don't want to be the sitting duck waiting to be picked off by crazy nutjobs, one cubicle at a time. I can grab my stuff in seconds and get the hell out of the area. I will assume that the city would be shut down so no mass transit... not that I'd want to get on the train anyway. I've seen Speed and enough footage of bus bombs from the Middle East to know that's not too smart so I'm going on foot. It'll take me a long time to get home but that's OK. Given the alternatives I don't think I'd mind having sore feet too much.

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