July 30, 2006

Hand-Drawn Questions

> Didn't Snow White and Cinderella suffer from mad cases of morning breath when their princely saviours on white horses awoke them from their deep sleeps? Also, how did they also not mess their beds or get bed sores?

> How come Pepe Le Pew's horny obsession with the black cat was seen as funny and not as what it really was: stalking, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dry humping and practical rape?

> I know we all knew that the Beast was a cursed human prince on the inside, but Belle sure as hell didn't and fell in love with him anyway. Wouldn't it be beastiality if he didn't turned back and they consummated their true fairy tale love? This question also works for Roger and Jessica Rabbit. Friggin' pervs.

> Wasn't Jem ever concerned that Rio was two-timing with her alter ego Jerrica when she wasn't around? And how come Jerrica was OK with him getting some rockstar nookie with Jem, while we're at it? Someone's got both identity and self-esteem problems if you ask me.

> Was Tweety a boy or a girl, coz he had some raging eyelashes and pouty lips and no discernible genitals. Maybe the question should really be: Pre-op or post-op...

> Why did no one ever kill that pansy-assed sidekick of the Mighty Hercules? Even as a kid I thought that Newton was the most annoying thing ever and I bet he was "touched" too. How can you trust a boy who prances around constantly anyhow?

> The Amazing Spiderman, when he swung along the city's skyline doing his spiderly patrol thing at the end of the episode after he had saved Gotham, Grayskull or whatever, where did his webbing attach onto? Heaven, perhaps?

> Were He-Man and She-Ra siblings or lovers for pete's sake?! Or maybe, BOTH...

> When they concentrated real hard, clenched their fists and stuck their rotund little bellies out to give the Care Bear Stare and/or Care Bear Cousins Call, did any one of them ever accidentally push out a fart?

> How come Charlie Brown never bitch-slapped or kicked Lucy in the head after she pulled the football out from under him? I bet that would've made her think hard the next time she tried that stunt.

> When they were flying around in Neverland did any of the Lost Boys ever take a peek up Wendy's nightgown? Coz I would, if only to make sure that her bloomies didn't say "Wednesday" on a Thursday. Eeew..

> I was probably 4 when I watched Bambi and nobody would tell me what happened to his mom. What's up with that?


The Shuster said...

These are the shows that we show our kids. No wonder we have so many deliquents crowding our jails and draining society.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

The funny thing is, no one EVER questioned these things. When I was 5/6/7/25 I knew that I couldn't fly/sprout spider webs out of my wrists/leap tall buildings. Why do I hear repeated stories about kids maiming themselves because they thought they could fly/sprout spider webs out of my wrists/leap tall buildings?

Think about that......

Stinky T said...

Or you know, maybe I'm the one who's all warped and twisted if these are the things I ponder as I'm watching... at 10 years old....

I'm not normal. That's fer sure!