July 06, 2006


> I’m a party pooper with this World Cup thing going on because I don’t like the diving culture of the sport. I don’t like hearing from my friends “Who cares? You’re in it to win!” because that’s exactly what we try to teach our kids not to do. Winning is important, but not at the expense of the spirit of the game and your dignity. I don’t pretend that diving doesn’t exist in any other sport but it seems that this is the one game in which it is so prevalent that it’s infused, encouraged and a skill to be mastered. The attitude in soccer right now is not sportsmanlike at all and it disgusts me. And please get off the road where cars belong. Gumming up the streets coz you feel the need to celebrate will only further the anger felt by people like me and directed at people like you.

> I notice that I walk like a man. Squared shoulders, head up, perfect posture and big, purposeful strides. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not, since it seems all the other women in the world (that I have observed) walk differently. We’ve got such gaits as the slouchy, shuffling death march, the jiggly boobs, swinging hips walk and stompers. I like that I don’t walk like that, but I worry that I might look butchy when I walk…. wait, why do I even care what you think?! Feh.

> When girls take pictures and they sweep all of their hair to one side, over their shoulder and let it hang down their chest and then either do the demure head tilt to the side or so that they are looking coyly up into the camera I just want to slap the piss out of them. Why? Why do they think that’s a good pose? Who told you that you look attractive? Who the hell wants to look at the hair hanging down your chest? That demure little smile looks so disingenuous that I just can’t believe it reflects your personality. It’s a picture damnit, relax and smile. This leads me to my next point.

> Everyone takes a bad picture once in awhile. Deal with it! Don’t get all immature and destroy, crop or cut yourself out of a picture just coz you don’t like it. The picture doesn’t make you look fat or ugly, that’s just the way you look. I’m not saying you are fat or ugly, that is just. how. you. look. So grow up. You may not be used to it coz we all look at you more than you look at yourself and we all have image issues anyway which results in seeing only what we want to see in the mirror. Conversely, pictures don’t make you look hot when you’re not. It’s reality, stop holding out for the “perfect” shot coz there’s no such thing (if we’re aiming for your standards).

> I love getting sun and tanning. I know about the risks of sunburn, skin cancer, sunspots and premature aging and yet I still tan. I figure I’m in my prime now so why wouldn’t I want to look good? Ain’t nobody gonna check me out when I’m 60 and think “She’s old and dumpy with the nylons wobbling around her ankles but damn she’s got nice skin! I think I’ll ask her to have some Metamucil with me!” Is that youthful ignorance? I don’t bake long enough to get too dark or burnt so I don’t feel that I’m killing my skin at a crazy rate. And I know that I increase my chances of developing skin cancer with the sunnage and all, but after reading multiple reports about how we’re all bound to be afflicted anyway by (any kind of) cancer during our lifetime I can’t say that I’m going to stop enjoying mine. By no means do I have a cavalier attitude towards this disease as I’ve had close dealings with it and I wouldn’t tempt fate by gulping down a bucket of PCBs. But since my body and environment are continuously swimming in a toxic stew, I’m resigned to the fact that cancer is inevitable, not a maybe.

> To the guy at the drugstore who saw me slowly heading towards the cashier, grabbed his stuff and ran (I’m not joking) to her even though there was nobody in line, dude. We don’t all have to be first all the time. If you’re that eager to give somebody else your money, be my guest.


Holden said...

Yeah, there's a lot of diving, but, in lieu of ditching the whole sport--which I can't do 'cause I love it--I have taken an anti-diving stance and root for teams who, on the whole, don't do it. That's not to say there's not a bad egg in there somewhere, but, by and large, of the final 16, England, France, Germany, Sweden, the Aussies, and the Swiss don't make diving a part of their game. On the other hand, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, and, most of all, Mexico are freakin' disgraceful. Anyway, the final is easy: go France if for no other reason than to root for Zidane, who embodies the "spirit of the game" better than anyone. But the whole French team has been playing hard, tough, amazing soccer without making a joke out of the game by diving all the time, and that's to be admired.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

I love your comments about the cropping of the photos and the sweeping hair to the side thing. Not only do I know exactly who you're talking about (in both cases), it still cracks me up.

Guess what. Tilting your head off to the side like you're all innocent may help you out in the bedroom, but not in photos. Honestly. Shuddup and smile.

Cropping...ah...my favourite tool. If only I could do that off my thighs, life and workplace!?

Stinky T said...

Maybe I'd enjoy the game more if I understood it what with the regular time, referee time, extra time, hammer time.... I think it's also one of those sports where it's much more fun to play than watch. It's just so hard for me personally, to watch that little ball go back and forth without actually going anywhere. Kinda like neutral zone hockey, bah.

I can't speak for all the ladies but I do notice that this picture posing trend tends to be a rampant thing for Asian girls. I know so many of them who do that stupid pose and think they look good or cute. I'm so friggin' judgmental, but we can discuss that another time.

Anonymous said...

Can I get a woot woot for jiggly boobs?