August 15, 2006

Just Add Water!

We've got Sea Monkeys in our office. They were on sale at the toy store and we decided they'd be the perfect addition to the ambience of our hard-working environment. I should tell you that this is the second generation. The first, may they rest in peace, were mercilessly slain in the historic event known as the T.R. Massacre*. I shall not divulge the tyrant's name, as he might slap me with a big, fat libel suit and as much as I cherished the pets I don't have the kind of money to go to court over such frivolity.

Sea Monkeys are a cutesy name for a species of brine shrimp. They are itty bitty little swimming creatures, kind of like lice or moving dandruff. They come freeze-dried in little packages and magically become animated when you mix them into a jar of pre-treated water like you would make lemonade.

They’ve essentially become the centrepiece of our office as we get frequent visitors throughout the day to check on their growth, numbers and watch them buzz around the tank. Everyone drops by to see them, it’s like freak circus central! I tell ya, this office is full of fre.. characters!

I’m happy to report that second generation Monkeys are thriving. After the T.R. Massacre we learned our lesson, there are now colourful signs all around the tank warning people not to touch or pick it up. Anytime a visitor gets too close to the pets we immediately screech out warnings which include promises of dire pain and torture should they disregard the signs. So far the combination of warnings have proven to be superbly effective.

So now, a little bit wiser and a little less soaked we are all living harmoniously with our sea creatures. Hopefully it stays that way coz I like that they are such an attraction and draw many new and returning visitors to our cozy little office. All it took was mixing a few things together to bring forth life! Playing god makes Stinky T ve-ry happy.

*Coles Notes version of the genocide: T.R. picked up the tank to look at it and proceeded to spill it all down his pants, namely his crotch. Now I know it’s not rocket science, but if you see a container filled with water why shake, tip and turn the thing upside down? I know, right?!?


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

You forgot to mention the little bit of water spillage by a stupid summer student. He would have apologised more, but we sucker punched him for ignoring the 3 pastel signs and the label that says "DON'T TOUCH" on it. Whatta moron!
RIP 1st never should have ended that way!

Stinky T said...

Yah well, I can afford to let him off easier coz he spilled before the eggs were mixed in. That, and his inability to reproduce from this point on provides me with peace of mind knowing that his lineage ended with the repeated punches and kicks delivered to some special bits.