October 10, 2006

And You Thought I Was A Lady...

If there ever was any remaining bit of doubt on your part (why?) as to the Ivory pureness of my character, you should know that I watched Jackass Number Two and totally loved it. Oh my god, you may think, how can such a beautiful, intelligent, articulate, funny and thought-provoking lady such as Stinky T enjoy such juvenile and low-brow garbage that is Jackass? Oh my dears, how much you still have to learn about me, not only did I enjoy it, but Mr. Stinky and I screamed and laughed loudly in the theatre along with everyone else also in attendance and then ran home for some gleeful pee afterwards.

We watched poor-quality downloaded episodes of Jackass months before everyone else outside of the States knew about it. I would offer to bring these videos to parties and be subsequently turned down when the host heard of such "stunts" as the Poo Cocktail and Vomit Omelette. 6 months later, these people were watching and crowing over the exact same pranks and stunts they were too ma-toor for earlier...

Seriously, you need to see this movie. It's all about the kind of pee pee and poo poo humour that defines and rocks my world. Turn away from the adult world of responsibility and sensibility for a few hours and come into my universe. You'll laugh, you'll cringe and maybe even gag a few times but it'll be worth it because you'll have seen how depraved and base people can be, and it's all for fun.


Anonymous said...

I did watch it and I enjoyed watching most of it....some of it, I must say, my stomach could not handle. Particularly the horse 'milking', eatting pooh and the fart 'helmut'. The gags like the terrorist at the end had me wetting myself....glad you enjoyed it ;)

sitsonchair said...

*craps pants* *claps**laughs*

Meesh said...

I plan to watch it very soon. I've always been a sucker for dick and fart jokes. I try to be more sophisticated but it just doesn't work. I love Pontius. I want to marry him.

Stinky T said...

Oh Meesh, I think I fell in love with him too when I started watching Jackass! Back then he was Bunny, my hot little thong wearing Bunny. Sighh...

Have you watched Wildboyz? Look it up on YouTube if you get a chance!