October 26, 2006


If you've met or heard stories about my cat Iggy then you know that he's not normal. He's a little crazy, a lot stupid, kind of gay and all kinds of funny. Iggy is synonymous with "special", we do pick real winners but what would you expect if your cat came from Oshawa? *shudder*

This morning as we were getting ready for work he came into our bedroom, a place he's usually not allowed to venture into without supervision due to a propensity for peeing on our duvet. He knows what "out out out" means and is good with high tailing it out of there when he hears these words. Sometimes we'll stomp on the floor too for added emphasis and/or urgency, he's not all stupid.

Things were no different today than any other day. As Mr. Stinky was finishing up in the bathroom I went to chase Iggy out. I must've scared him coz he took off like a bullet and ran full tilt into the door, it was only opened about halfway. I stood there and watched as he mashed his face into it, bounced off sideways and landed facing me, 180 degrees off from his intended course. I'll let you decide what my reaction was:

> Filled with bucketfuls of concern I rushed over to pick him up, covering him with tender kisses and hugs, making sure that he was OK.

> Face the camera to exclaim: "That's our Iggy!!"

> Stand there looking at the cat and bursting into hysterical laughter so much so that when Mr. Stinky asked me what happened it takes several attempts to tell him what had just occurred.

Needless to say, Iggy's reaction to my pointing and laughing was a hurt expression on his cute, little face and another black mark in his book beside mommy's name. I'm thinking that page should probably be completely black by now.

Incidentally, this story isn't much different from the time we went over to some friends' place to watch UFC in the basement with the lights off.. they have a projector TV. I was shooting the laser pointer on the walls to entice their cat to dash around and moronically chase the red dot when I decided to spice things up and switch to a wall on the other side of the basement. Ever hit glass so hard that it reverberates with that distinctively deep, musical boo-oo-o-ngg-g!? In the dark I didn't see that someone had left the glass door of their TV stand opened and the cat took a header into the thing.

I swear I'm a cat lover but there must some dog lover voodoo going on... oh well, as long as they keep providing me with lots of entertainment it's all good.

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