November 17, 2006

An Apple A Day...

Got a third generation iPod and I love it. Shuster and I both retreat into our sanctuaries every night on the ride home from work when the earphones are in and we engage in a duel of the leaking noises pouring forth from our ears. Well, not so much a duel as annoying the people who sit near us. I also need it to wake me up in the mornings because I don't drink coffee (bleh!) and tea only does so much to start the engines. I'm reminded of one of my professors in school who is such the coffee afficionado. He always had a coffee flavoured something in hand and I could only imagine how much gut rot he suffered. Anyway, I had a lot of lab work in this class and on occasion needed some face time with him. Very bad, as he's got horrible coffee breath. Sour. Death. Rotting insides. Putrid. Wonder if he ever noticed people retreating or turning shades of grey whenever he opened his mouth. I bet he was single too. Not just coz of his toxic emanations but he is also unfortunate looking, having scored about a -16 on my hottie meter. Sorry man, just telling the truth. Alright, back to the main topic, we've sufficiently established that I don't like coffee and my professor was (and probably still is) gross.

Sadly my iPod battery couldn't keep up with the constant use and faded so much that I had to keep it charging almost constantly just to get about an hour's worth of running time. 'Tis a sad state of affairs when I fire it up only to have it cut out unexpectedly shortly thereafter. It's also fairly hazardous to have the thing plugged in while listening at my desk and getting up to grab something. My iPod can testify that it takes some brutal beatings as somehow it violently ends up on the floor quite frequently. Once it almost fell down the stairs of the GO Train from the top level... but again I digress. I think my entire life is all about sideroads and derivations... or is it deviations? I don't suggest you follow me if you're a type A kind of person. Or normal for that matter. Might as well add sane to the list.

Mr. Stinky was thinking of getting me a new iPod for Christmas but damn those little buggers are expensive. And honestly, I like the one I have. The nice, new models in the stores just aren't the same as mine. No history nor character, all the scuffs and scratches on mine are a testament to the love we share. OK, the abuse it takes. Whatev. I don't point out your flaws... well actually I do. With glee. I'm all over the place today!

The next best thing was to replace the battery which, he did. IPod and I have fallen in love all over again. I love that now it's become portable again. I love that now I can use it for several days before it needs a recharge. I love that it's like almost new again. Apple, I think I looove youuuuuu!


The Shuster said...

Mmmm! I like apples!

I guess that is totally irrelevant to this post though. I don't know what I'd do without my little iPod (I say little because all I have is the 1 GB shuffle as you know). I shared your pain when your battery was weak and I now share your joy that your refreshed iPod is able to carry more than one tune...per charge. =)

Anonymous said...

Now if people were only smart enough to buy a Mac over a PC...