January 08, 2007

Skinny Girls Suck

This is something I've learned throughout the years, nothing mind blowing but I felt that it's time to discuss. I'm not angry, as this issue has numbed itself into being just another blip in my existence so this is not an attack. I'm also definitely not thinking of any particular person as we delve so if you read this and become upset or offended maybe it has more to do with your conscience than my forked tongue. As one who experiences the luck or curse of being skinny I can give you a full account in first person how something in which I have no control over can be such a big. fat. deal.

Skinny girls are not fat. Skinny girls cannot be fat. Skinny girls do not know what fat is.

You'd think those three sentences speak the truth if not for the fact that they are also loaded with complete bullshit. My whole life I've been skinny, all knobby and angles. Nobody wanted me sitting on their laps because my butt would carve gashes in their thighs. Being skinny isn't something I can control, it's all genetics. Sure I get off my ass to do stuff but I'm not what you call super fit. I don't need to apologize for the way my body turned out and I don't need to hide the junk food I occasionally binge on which usually is exactly when people witness it and think it's all I eat. Or eat nothing at all.

When skinny girls feel fat or bloated it's a state of mind, not a state of occurrence. We're not allowed to feel insecurities about our bodies lest we incur the wrath of anyone around larger than us. When we do put on weight it's not an achievement or lament, merely another sarcastic remark waiting to be made. Complaining about feeling restricted in our clothes earns us brays of contempt to eat another sandwich or to just shut the hell up because, what do we know about being fat anyway? The breeding ground for eating disorders and jealousy people look at those with low body fat forms and see perfection to achieve, a nirvana of dieting and luck.

We wonder why there's an epidemic of girls and women wasting away before us, taking handfuls of pills and exercising like horses turning the windmill, when the lens is only and always focussed on the beautiful bodies bound tight in cling wrap and touted as the finish line. Being slim is seen as a cure-all for all things physical. We can't turn away from the notion that we're meant to be different; that we can't all be blonde and tall, nor modelesque and exotic. I will never be taller than this and I will never be something other than what I already am. If it's not acceptable to tell someone that they're so fat that he/she needs to put down that greasy cheeseburger, then therefore by that same logic it is also unacceptable to tell me or any other skinny person that there's something wrong with our eating habits.

Pound for pound I probably eat more than a lot of people around me. I don’t gorge on large amounts in one sitting so I’m pretty much an all-day grazer, plus I usually stick to healthier foods so that probably helps a lot. I don't live the lifestyle of fast foods and being a couch potato. I don't feel I need to eat everything and more in front of me. I don't buy all kinds of unnecessary things to ingest just because something was on sale. Even the most famous, richest and fabulous people we all look up to and adore have insecurities about their bodies. Stop critiquing and deriding everyone else and take a look at yourself, perhaps there's a reason why you feel so much venom towards those around you. But that's your problem, don't make it mine.

1 comment:

The Shuster said...

Very intriguing post. Very rarely does one talk about so called skinny people or their problems unless they are talking about eating disorders; society seems to focus only on the obese. Society seems to put skinny people on some kind of flawless pedestal but the fact is nobody is perfect, we all have our problems, even with our weight and it is good to have this fact pointed out to us every now and then.

The main issue here (as eluded to) is nobody is happy with themselves, fat people want to be skinny, skinny people want to be fatter, certain guys wanting to be girls, etc.