February 15, 2007


Sooo, yesterday was Valentine's Day. What'd you dooo? Didya do the romantical dinner for two and make googly eyes at each otherrr? Didya go kissy kissy and get all mushy mushy?

There was none of that here, in the Stinky household yesterday was just another day. I was told by Goose that I must be bitter because I didn't "celebrate" the day or do anything special. This is my forum to let you know that of all things to be bitter about, Valentine's Day isn't even on the radar. Allow me to explain my indifferent position.

Unlike New Year's, birthdays and Easter where there is cause for an actual celebration, I just don't see what February 14 observes. It's a sham event created by corporations such as Hallmark to cash in on the concept of "you must prove your feelings for me by spending your hard earned money to buy me such uselessly trite and recycled gifts like long-stemmed red roses, stuffed toys and chocolates which by tomorrow won't be worth half the amount you spent today". Believe me, I worked for a florist on Valentine's Day and the mark-up is astronomical ... especially near the end of the day when stock is running out and there's a line of desperate men lined out the door willing to pay anything to walk out with something.

Does it make me bitter to prefer the other 364 days of the year when Mr. Stinky surprises me at random just because he can? Or when I pick him up an extra box of candy because I know he'd enjoy them? And sometimes on a weekend we'll decide to get in the car and just drive to wherever, returning whenever just to do something special by ourselves, something different, something spontaneous. To be reminded by the radio, TV, stores and other people that for one arbitrarily picked day of the year you should "show how much you care with that something special" just seems incredibly forced and patronizing. I much prefer to let the rest of the year speak for itself. Would you still call me bitter because I don't believe that love can be defined by 24 hours of sugary commercialism?

This isn't to attack Goose Poo for what he said to me. His birthday's coming up so I thought it'd be a clever way to give him a shout out and besides, he hasn't made an appearance here for awhile now. However, if you've got your own reasons to start burning effigies and egg his house let me in on the plans. Let it be known that the Stinky girl will always partake in reckless acts of abandon in the name of fun and immaturity! In no way is he alone in this train of Valentine's thought, after all everything is subjective and people do like to find reasons to celebrate stuff. It just doesn't fit for me, this hyped up non-holiday of sorts. Maybe we're just not as ostentatious, maybe we're cheap. Maybe somebody can be objective and let me know if I really am bitter about Valentine's Day.


The Shuster said...

I couldn't agree with you more Stinky!

I was going to post a rant about what a useless 'holiday' Valentine's Day is but just didn't find the words. I even went so far as to look up the 'meaning' of the day or at least how this idea started but it seems no one really knows. I was able to uncover 3 possible beginnings of this love filled day but nothing definitive. All I got from my research was that Hallmark took off with this idea and the flower and chocolate industry was soon to follow.

I have never been one to do something because everyone else was doing it. It is not like I am off the hook for the rest of the year from doing anything else romantic just because I spent $50 on a rose that would cost me $10 on any other day, or bought that highly overpriced heart shaped box of chocolate covered bon bons. Trust me I tried to get away with that once but it didn't work in the least.

True love is not really evident on this day since it is expected. True love is spontaneous and can't be scripted.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, StinkyT I hope you knew I was just causing you grief about the "day"! It was just a little quid pro quo for the grief you give me from time to time!

Anyhow thanks for remembering my birthday! it means a lot to have friends like you, Mr. Stinky and Emma!


brando said...

I've stopped buying stuff on V-day ever since I used to work with a bunch of ladies that demanded to know what I was giving my girlfriend. They tried to exert massive social pressure to get me to waste my money on goofy stuff. It was really odd, because they got so angry.