March 01, 2007

Just Another Day

I’m bad for recharging my iPod, almost always waiting until it’s bone dry to plug it in. Might be because I’m so spoiled now that I know it won’t shut off on me after one listen. This morning as I turned it on for the ride into work there was a touch of panic because my battery only showed a sliver of power. The kind of sliver where you gotta squint a little and turn the iPod from side to side like a hologram to see anything. I knew it was a matter of seconds or minutes before it blipped out on me and like a fool I’d either have to take out my earphones and put it away or sit there pretending that there was still music going on. I’ve done both, depending on the day’s mood.

Miracles of miracles today iPod treated me to a Hanukkah of sorts and played music for exactly an hour and twenty minutes... 79 minutes longer than I expected. Enough to get to work and walk around until I almost made it to training… where I’ve been lately. Then the telltale blip went off and I enjoyed a few silent moments before walking into class. I love my iPod.

On the walk to class I enjoyed a brisk walk in the PATH of downtown Toronto. I like swimming upstream against the current dodging and sidestepping everyone else once in awhile. Unlike Shuster who is big and fearless enough to plow right through people, my specialty is squirting around in tight spaces. However, once in awhile when someone won’t show enough courtesy to give me my space I do enjoy sharing with them my sharp shoulder or hip. There was a little of that going on today.

Oh, this morning, a guy and I got to an escalator at the exact same time. We saw each other, slowed down so as to avoid any collisions and stepped on together, me on the right him on the left. Then of all things, he moved to the right of the escalator… an acceptable practice to allow walkers space on the left side. But hello, I was standing beside him, right? What resulted was him smooshing me into the side of the escalator and I don’t tolerate that. I might, if he was super hot, and then maybe we’d make out like teenagers to the top but he wasn’t and got a head shake and sigh instead. What the hell.

I’m usually really fast when I go pee in public washrooms, utilizing the hover bum method. I probably take the most time in there washing my hands after the deed. The other day I decided to try something new and used those fancy toilet liners washrooms sometimes provide. Getting those doodads to work is like rocket science. I was using both hands, elbows and a knee, and still almost managed to drop the thing in the toilet. Futzing around with that translucent piece of stupidness I knew that if I had just hovered I would’ve been done and out of there already. Instead I was wasting my time performing some kind of surgical procedure in there. Goodness.

So you see, not much going on lately. Just enough to keep me busy, not enough for quality entertainment.

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