May 11, 2007

Ima Stupid People

This one's for Shuster and T-J.

Today at lunch, Clueless asked if I wanted to go run some errands with her after we ate. There were a few things at the nearby store on sale that she wanted and seeing's how it's a nice day I agreed. Our summer student, Candy had lunch plans but wanted instant noodles which are also on sale so I said I'd pick some up for her. She said she wanted 6, four in chicken flavour and two in the vegetable. No problem.

Two minutes later I drew a blank. I asked her if it was four veggies and two chickens and she corrected me but said that she wasn't picky; any combination of those two flavours were fine. I wrote down what she wanted so I wouldn't forget and stuck the note on my wallet. Foolproof.

As soon as Clueless and I arrived at the store I headed straight for the instant noodle section and grabbed four veggies and two chickens... so I wouldn't mess it up, I told her. We spent some time milling around the store checking out everything else before it was time to head back. At the cash, I dumped the packages on the counter and pulled out my wallet. That's when I noticed the handwritten note... the same one I had personally recorded not an hour ago and realized that I had gotten exactly the wrong number of each flavour.

What's a girl to do? Grabbed the offending two veggies, hurled over my shoulder to the girl that I'd be back in a sec and ran to go make the exchange... with a huge, long line up bearing witness to my idiocy and knowing that they'd have to wait that much longer to pay and get out. The story has a happy ending, but dude, how dumb to screw up one simple task.

And sure, we can justify the scrambled brains on my condition but in the end, stupid is as stupid does. I can only shake my head and roll my eyes to the heavens. At myself.


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

Hehehe, I'll refrain from the standard "pregnancy brain" comments you're probably sick of hearing.

However, I should comment that last week when you said "What? You're asking a pregnant girl to do math?! Pshssa.." was freaking HILARIOUS!! :D

Stinky T said...

Hey, if it's physical labour I'm all over it. Lifting, carrying, shovelling and stuff, no problem. I do all that regularly anyway... well, except for the shovelling. We can subsitute that with pushing a lawn mower.

Asking me to use my brain to think and you're liable to see a lot of drool. These days I have the mental abilities of a gnat. How I long for the days when it was more like a goldfish's.