September 10, 2007

Baby Boot Camp

I've survived my first two weeks. They say as with any new event in life the human person needs two weeks to adjust whether it be exercise, a new routine, diet, or in my case a screaming, fussy newborn. I long for the days of sleeping whenever and however long I wish. It's a distant memory, the days when Mr. Stinky and I could lounge around and do nothing just because we felt like it. Time has no meaning to me right now except that about every three hours I begin the cycle of feeding, changing, consoling and pleading with an unreasonable person to relax and go to sleep. I don't know what day of the week it is anymore, nor can I recall when something happened. Yesterday? The day before? All I know is that it did, don't ask me when.

I have adjusted to catnapping throughout the day when the baby allows me to. When I tell you I got 5 hours of sleep yesterday it's quite an achievement considering that over the course of 24 hours I can grab an hour here and there to total 5 and be able to function. Not very well I should add, but I doubt anyone's judging. And if you are, well, just wait until you have one of these beastly little babies. I won't be there to say I told you so coz I've already got my hands full but you'll see. A few hours of fragmented sleep doesn't even come close to one undisturbed snooze of the same amount of time in terms of satisfaction or refreshment.

I plan on discussing in the coming days about how the past couple of weeks have been like. I need to warn you that the material will be graphic, I never was a prude but after being in a hospital and having the entire hospital staff examine what's between my legs on a regular basis, there's really no need for me to beat around the bush (tee! I said bush...). If you're squeamish you probably won't want to read it, so take this as my forewarning to you.

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