October 28, 2007

Talk Radio

Mr. Stinky enjoys it, I find it highly annoying and avoid it whenever I can. Sometimes it's hard when we sit in the car together and he's got the radio controls at his fingertips. Sometimes, when I'm really not in the mood I make him change the station.

I dislike talk radio because when I turn on the radio I want to listen to music. People talking happens everywhere, it's rare for more than one to share space and not have to discuss something, so I don't feel that I need to turn the dial to listen to strangers talking over the airwaves. I turn on the radio to get away from conversations and just let the music soothe my ears and mind.

What I hear on talk radio is a bunch of people talking and yelling over each other to convince someone else of their opinions and thoughts. But honestly, how often do you change your mind on a topic just because the next person wants you to? It doesn't matter whether it's people calling in to argue with the host or the hosts themselves spitting at each other, to me, angry people on the airwaves constitutes annoyance. Why would I tune in? Pish posh.

To illustrate how trite talk radio is to me, the following exchange is what I get everytime I am forced to listen to the program du jour. The words may be different but the sentiments are consistently about the same. Could be just me.

"Today we're discussing whether or not you agree with the new tax the city has voted to implement in order to pay off debt and refill the coffers. I'll start. To me, this is a pathetic ploy by the right-wing politicians to punish their constituents and fatten their wallets. It's a horrible idea that makes my head spin."

"Oh, all you left-winged conspiracists are always complaining about something or other. The city is bankrupt and we need them if we are to keep growing."

"Don't you patronize me!"

"Stop whining, you big baby."

"Oh shut up, you stupid dumbass."

"I don't like to shut up, I like 7-Up!"



"I know you are but what am I?"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you too!"

"I hate you times infinity!"

"I hate you times inifinity plus 1!"

"There's no such thing, you uneducated and malformed humanoid!"

"Is too coz I just did. Stamped it, double stamped it, no reverse-ys!"

"I'm telling on you!"

"I'm telling on youuu!"


OK, you get the point.

1 comment:

The Shuster said...

My personal favourites are when they get the common idiot to call in with 'their opinion'. It makes me feel like I am on the GO train again.