February 08, 2008

True Story

Bou Bou Bou...
Another one bought the desk!
Bou Bou Bou...
Another one bought the desk!
And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bought the desk.  Hey!
Yah, you're gonna get one too, another one bought the desk!

As a kid, I thought those were the words.  Made sense to me, that singer must really like buying desks.  Besides, if you had told me what the real lyrics were I would have scoffed; why would you bite dust anyway??  So I'd sing it loud and proud over and over again coz words aside, it really is a cool tune.

Years later when I learned the real words and their meaning I blushed furiously to myself over the mistake.  "Man, I'm so stoopid!  Buying desks?!  Tchh!"  But I'm over it now and can enjoy the memories of youthful innocence.  Sometimes when the song comes on I'll sing my version of it to Mr. Stinky who, of course, finds it amusing.

Yah I'm a loser but you know you wanna sing it my way.  Go enjoy your weekend and maybe buy a desk.


The Shuster said...

That is too funny you posted this now. Tommorrow I will be getting a 'new' desk.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

The same thing happened to me and Michael Buble...I hate the man, and everything he sings...but I kept hearing different lyrics. This is what it's SUPPOSED to be:

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

This is what I was belting out instead:
And in this crazy life, and through this crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sick.
*mumble*mumble*, you're everything.

Oh well...I'm glad I'm not the only one!