November 27, 2008

I Work With Idiots

Also considered for title:

> Easy Pickings Should We Ever Be Overtaken By Mastermind Criminals/Terrorists
> People To Slap When I Get My Invisibility Super Power
> Natural Selection Needs a Little Help
> Pay Goes Up, Smarts Go Down

A couple of days ago a person who works for my company with an impressive sounding title sent an email to half the employees in the address book in error. Instead of ignoring the pointless email numerous people decided to hit reply all and asked to be taken off the list.

First, what list?!? There are no mailing lists at my work, it was one person who somehow instead of sending a message to 40 co-workers oops-ed it into a couple thousand or so people.

Second, why reply all? It was one person who hit ‘send’ and therefore the rest of us had nothing to do with it, nor do we need to be told that you want to be left off this “list”.

So while half the employees were inundated by these junk replies and the server was freezing up some people started getting annoyed. We began seeing angry emails berating the people who contributed to the whole reply all phenomenon while not even seeing the irony in their own idiocy. We saw emails with enlarged fonts, red coloured fonts, more than a reasonable amount of exclamation marks and even some insults. There was a direct jab at the lack of common sense shown by the original email sender, the person with the impressive sounding title.

That was actually funny. It’s another example of how top heavy organizations can be with people who don’t know squat. But then the reply all crowd are idiots in their own right too so there isn't much with which to lord over.


At one point me and Yager contemplated joining in. This would’ve been my message.

“Who the FUCK are these idiots hitting reply all??? You people are retarded losers who should be banned from email forever!

P.S. Please remove me from the list. Thank you.”

1 comment:

The Shuster said...

You've got my vote for Natural Selection Needs a Little Help. The funny part about the situation was that there are several emails that have auto replies set up so every person who replied to all got several of these auto-replies in return. If they didn't like the one email I wonder how they liked getting all those auto-replies.

I guess these idiots don't want to be an employee anymore if they want off the list since this list was just a list of employees.