August 30, 2005

Sleep, Interrupted

Iggy is a pest. He torments Whiskey constantly, and doesn't know when to draw the line. We are also subjected to the never-ending pain that is Iggy, albeit in a slightly different form.

He is super affectionate and I don't mean "for a cat/animal". He is a freak of nature that loves to love. Not in the humping things kind of way, no no. He's a "loving you 'til you smother" kind of guy. He has a very loud purr that will wake you up from your deepest slumber and that's when he's most likely to strike. Sometimes he'll come snuggle when we're on the couch watching TV too. He doesn't just purr until he's settled down, he will go on until he passes out and I don't know how long that is because I've never been able to outwait him.

Purring aside, he's a kneader and a head butter. He will head butt (hard) the tub, toilet, chins, walls, etc. His favourite position is nestled between my shoulder and head, massaging my neck while purring and hypnotizing himself, you have to see his "dazed" face. That's not the end of it. While he's blissed out he will actually start to drool. I have looked at him and seen it running down his mouth and dripping off his lips, and onto me. Soaking me. Numerous times. What the hell, cats can drool?!?? While cute at the beginning, we don't allow him to do this anymore and will push him away. He has learned somewhat, but will still try to sneak in some cuddle time when he can... with mommy. He will ignore Mr. Stinky, but he will not leave me alone!

Last night we were tired. I had a little bit of alcohol and we slept deeply. At 4:01am the devil struck. I was awoken by loud purring and a fuzzy head rubbing/head butting my hand. Pushed him away. He climbed onto the bed and head butted my face. Pushed him away. Repeat twice. Nestles between my ankles and does the army crawl (lying on belly, pulling oneself forward with arms only) up to my neck. Pushing away evolves into throwing off the bed. Mr. Stinky hisses at him, I yell at him. This goes on for about 15 minutes, all the while he's purring away like a diesel engine reaching for my head or neck, until I finally had enough and lock him out of the room.

My sleep had been broken.

I wanted a lapcat, not one with a drooling fetish for my neck. And certainly not while I'm sleeping. Stupid cat.

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