November 08, 2005


I don't WAANNnnaaa....

It's one of those days. I have a permanent pout on and nothing's making me feel better. See this kid? That's exactly what I'm doing right now. He's really cute by the way...

I didn't want to get up this morning. Mr. Stinky told me to wake up and I tossed and turned and flipped the duvet all over the bed whining about having to get up.

I couldn't decide what to eat for breakfast so I ate some rice crispy squares that need to be eaten but I didn't feel like. I figured I'd eat at work coz I usually have stuff there for my at-work/second breakfast and other snacks to munch on throughout the day.

Now that I'm here I don't feel like anything. Raisin bread, no. Pringles, no. Cookies, no. If you know me then you know that me and Pringles are secret lovers. I currently have 3 empties and 1 almost empty on my desk... it's like we live for each other. I don't feel like.

I'm whining to my co-worker and whining/OT/world bashing/snack buddy Nancy and she's having a Whiny Day too. I don't feel like doing my work. I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating what I've got. I'm not liking the music they're playing on the radio today. I want to stay in bed today and pout. We need Whiny Days like sick days at work. "Morning, (insert manager's name). I'm afraid I'll have to take a Whiny Day today, I just don't think I can come into work and be civilized. Hopefully I'll feel mature enough tomorrow to face the world again. See you then."

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