January 26, 2006

Dear Ladies...

Just a few suggestions when you use public washrooms:

> Please don't wait until the last possible moment to go if you're feeling the urge (eg. doing the poopy dance in front of the toilet while you're undoing your pants is waiting too long). The longer you wait, the higher the chances for unpleasant and messy explosions.

> Increase your fibre intake. This way, your waste material hold its shape better.

> Aim is just as important for women as it is for men.

Thank you kindly,
Stinky T


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

The "if you tinkle on the seat, please be sweet and wipe the seat!" comes to mind.

Oh, and remove any hairs too.

Nasty women.

Love, Luigilover

Stinky T said...

Duude.. we're talking about chunky tinkles. But yah, wipe that shit up too, I don't want to see it or sit in it!

Stinky T

Anonymous said...

Taco Bell will do that do ya...