March 04, 2006

My Best Friend

There are few people in life you fall in love with and never want to let go, not many you would die for or give anything to see them happy. You create relationships that endure so that at the end of time when you look back and see how much you've gone through together you're so happy you want to go back and do it all over again. I'm not at the end of my time yet (knock knock) but I'm pretty confident that I can say all this when I do get there. Among the few there is one I want to share with you, my best friend: Emma.

We met in grade 5 for Play Day. We were in different classes but put in the same group for that day of fun. Our group leader wore his pants baggy so that his boxers showed, he was ahead of his time. We found it hilarious having never seen a boy's underwear before and stood together pointing and laughing at him. This was back in the day when everyone at school knew each other. He might've been older and cooler but we were also friends and he would occasionally come over and talk to me during recess when our paths met. He let us laugh at him but after awhile he had to separate us because we got too distracting but everytime he turned his back Emma and I would run back to each other and resume the laughter.

We went through high school and university (sort of) together. We hung out all day at school and when we got home the phone would ring and the conversation would continue. We were inseparable, physically and in thought. The whole thing about finishing each other's sentences and such was totally us. Girls hated us and guys loved us. The girls hated us coz we were tomboys and thus hung out and related to guys with ease. We were two of the boys and for this we were reviled but also feared, those chicas knew we could kick their asses any day of the week if they wanted a fight. The boys loved us coz we could go out and play ball with them, we didn't prance or squeal like you see those girly girls doing. We didn't like girly girls; it was us against them.

We're not huggers but we're as close as two people could be. Nothing and nobody ever got between us, although I don't even know if they tried. I'm more confrontational and blunt, she's more diplomatic and giving but she's also tough. I've seen her weather some trying times with grace and strength. I've watched as she juggled multiple flaming torches with poisonous barbs sticking out of them and surrounded by killer bees without missing a beat or complaining about the load on her shoulders. Emma is fierce.

Even thought we're both older now with our own busy lives she is still my best friend. We don't see or talk to each other as much anymore but I know that she's only as far away as my phone. I enjoy hearing about what she's up to and what she's doing next. There have been relationships, good and bad times in each of our lives and we've always been there for each other. I plan on calling her my best friend for the rest of my life... that's why they're called "best friends", right? I plan on us being there for each other, seeing each other's children, complaining about wrinkles and growing old together. She already knows all this and hasn't said anything to the contrary so I suppose that's what will be.

To Emma, you are the bitch. Here's to you, babes.


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

You made me cry at work.
Good move.

Stinky T said...

Heee... you big suck, you! That's total PMS right there.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...
