June 09, 2006

Germ Prejudice

I can admit that I'm halfway on the road to becoming a completely neurotic hypochondriac. I wash my hands constantly and when people cough or sneeze near me I hold my breath, fan the air in front of my face and evacuate from the germ cloud area pronto. I also always manage to spot people picking their noses or picking their teeth right before they use that same hand to open a door, hang onto the bus rails or anything I might touch and it makes me cringe.

One thing that I notice is that I generally give more leeway to some people more than others. Attractive, well-groomed and familiar people don't generate as much of a reaction from me as others who look a little sloppy, not as attractive, older and even from different races. I know, it's totally discriminatory and baseless and I don't really know why exactly there's a difference; forcefully expelling air and fluids from inside of your body contaminates the air just the same with any person. Being black, brown, yellow, purple or white doesn't make any difference in germ quality or quantity so why the difference in reactions?

Perhaps subconsciously I'm thinking that if you're not perfectly groomed your hygiene habits might be lacking and therefore you are germier? I'm not sure how the whole attractiveness factor works into this logic but it does. Good looking people gross me out less than not good looking people. And the race thing... that might be the whole Western culture that's obsessed with sterility more than anything. Not that the rest of the world isn't clean, but they tend not to be as anal about the zero germ culture and body bouquets as us.

I suppose if I'm not outwardly telling people that they're grosser than someone else nobody gets hurt, right? How would I explain anyway that ugly guy's sneeze is dirtier than hot guy's cough anyway? I might be a germist but I'll try to keep that to myself in your presence just because they might send me to the loony bin if I tell you my reasons for being a germist. Just don't project your contaminated air in my direction and we'll be good.


MagicalCoffeeCup said...


I'm a different race than you! I hope you don't think about this about me!! But, I also feel the same way about germs lately...don't you worry. It doesn't help it when men cough outside our office door, or women hack into my left ear.


Stinky T said...

Naw man, I don't think you're grosser than me. Maybe at the risk of offending more people I should've said "recent immigrants" or "long-ago immigrants who still live like they were back home"?

I really should stop now, I'm digging this hole ever so deep(er).