October 01, 2006


Good morning readers. I seem to have lost track of time, oh right, shortly after the last posting I passed out on the couch leaving my guests to fend for themselves. I only recently stirred from my sleep but only because I needed to pee and somehow stumbled off to the washroom. After that, I ate a pear. I was hungry. A few friends are still here and informed me that while passed out I was found to be in several very ladylike positions on the couch during the course of my sleep. I hope there was no photographic evidence because I know how smashed I was, alcohol makes us into very good contortionists. Curiously, my calves are pretty sore right now. What the hell was I doing?

Asked them how long I was out for and they said, "Ummm... about 3 hours." I didn't believe them until I looked at the clock and saw what time it was. Holy black out period, batman! I'm fairly sure that I would still blow over because I can still feel the liquor but at least I'm mobile again. Therein ends the experiment which I now know was horribly spelt in the first post making it practically indecipherable. Sorry about that. Now we know how stupid we are after drinking. Let's not do this again. Don't drink and write. Goodnight y'all, I've got company to entertain downstairs. And it won't be in the passed out fashion this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heheh, some of the funniest crap I've read in a long time ;)
Good work on the 'ladylike' positions too....your spelling isn't too bad either
glad you had a good time and I hope you're fully recovered before I see you at work tomorrow ;)