March 06, 2007

Stinky Copperfield?

Short one today.

After lunch I went to the washroom as I always do to pee and brush my teeth. Not at the same time, and with a thorough hand wash in between. As I sat there spaced out and doing my thing, the washroom door opened and I heard a male voice say something. In hindsight it was most likely something like "Anybody in there?", but in that moment what went through my head was, "A guy's coming in here! Did I go to the wrong washroom??" It wouldn't have been the first time... except for once when I was a kid, before I learned how to read, became genuinely confused and accidentally eeny-miney-mohed my way into (the wrong) one, I've done it numerous times to bypass the ridiculous line-ups for the women's loo but this time I was fairly sure I wanted a washroom without urinals and I didn't want to get caught with my pants down in the wrong place... literally.

The could've been embarassing moment passed as I realized that not only was I in the correct washroom as per my gender, but it was just the custodian checking to make sure he didn't walk into anything icky. I called out "Hellooo!" and he exited. As I finished, flushed and headed for the sinks I could hear him standing just outside waiting patiently. I turned on the tap and began lathering up. Almost finished, he opened the door again and hollered "Still in there?" My answer this time was of the highly perplexed tone as I called out "Yeaahh.. .. ...." I mean, what??! I ended up not even brushing my teeth because I didn't want to be in his way anymore than I already had been but I still don't get it....


The Shuster said...

That reminds me of the night of my Brock baseball initiation. I drank too much before even getting to the bar and so when I approached the washrooms and they were not labelled 'Men's' or 'Women's' I took my chances and ended up in the wrong place. The attitude of the lady that walked in shortly after was colder than the ice used to cool my head the next morning.

westcoastmama said...

Why did he have to ask if you were still in there...where would you have gone?

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

Where the hell would you have gone!?

Man. That's classic.