April 03, 2007

Unwritten Truths

Sometimes therapy is served by the mere writing/typing of what I really want to say instead of really making those feelings public. Sometimes you realize that to open the can of worms really does make things messier than you want them to become.

Something happened last week which enraged me. On the anger meter you might be able to see "pissed off" if you squinted really hard backwards into the horizon on a clear, sunny day. I banged out what I wanted to be made known but had the smarts to not post it because in the end all I needed to do was put it down, even if it was only for myself. Don't worry, you probably wouldn't have understood it if I did publish as roughly 40 of the 50 words were of the no-no kind, linguistically... you might've instead thought I was chanting some x-rated cheer or something.

Besides, sometimes when shit like that happens you inevitably get questions from people asking what it was that made you so angry in the first place but by then your fire's died down to embers and it really wasn't as monumental as while the situation was going on. Then you've created a situation where you've got more questions than you want to answer and not much hot air left with which to blow. My attention span to most everything is extremely short-lived, it probably wasn't worth the two aneurysms I gave myself last week. I need to reconnect with my teenaged self who couldn't care two shits about anything or anyone. Disconnect.

1 comment:

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better about the whole thing.
Sometimes we can take things out of proportion, or things we thought were once a huge deal; really weren't.
Chin up..we'll get through it ;)