May 03, 2007

It's Only Thursday?

I'm tired, I'm so friggin' tired all I want to do is sleep. I took the day off yesterday because I was too exhausted to roll out of bed and slept in 'til late morning. Then I was alert for several hours before succumbing to the afternoon nap. If you thought that was enough I went to bed at my regular bedtime and slept until it was time to get up this morning for work.

I'm sitting here being a drowsy, useless lump because it's 11am and I've barely done any work. I can't blame it on the weather because it's super nice outside. Guess I'll take a walk for break, get some downtown "fresh" air and dial the volume on my iPod up. Hopefully that helps.


The Shuster said...

Maybe if you weren't out all night giving free peep shows you would not be so tired. ;)

Stinky T said...

So I suppose we need to discuss the real issue here:

Naked 'Running Man', 'Sprinkler' and 'Mr. Roboto' for the thrill of flashing red and blue lights and the occasional handful of change (OK, pet feces.. but they hurt too) or a good night's rest...

Tough call, man.

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

You lazy butt :P