May 07, 2007


I'm popping one out sometime in the second half of August.

I've become an awkward beachball of a creature. I have now joined the ranks of millions of women before, around and after me to get knocked up and stretched out of shape.

There you go, that should hold you for awhile. Here's hoping all goes well, it's been fairly easy thus far.

Damn you Holden for being so eerily intuitive, is this (one of) your superpower(s)? You're 2 for 2 if I recall correctly, first this, then that.


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

I see stinkyt everyday and I thought she was losing weight....meanwhile holden guesses it from somewhere else in the world!?

Damn you.

Holden said...

I now refer to you as "Stinky Fridge." :)

Holden said...

Oh, and congrats, BTW. :)

Stinky T said...

My fridge still stinks like rotten something. But I'm comforted to know that in this delicate time you associate me with an appliance that's big, heavy, bulky and smells bad.

As soon as the pregnancy hormones kick in your inbox will be duly filled with tears and incoherent ravings of an inconsolable lunatic!

Holden said...

See, I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet. like a while back actually if you're due in August. My male-centric, overly simplified view of what a woman goes thru in pregnancy is:

--months 1-3--crazy effin' loony time. Hormones abound. Rational behavior does not. Crying can happen at a moment's notice. Fathers are in mortal danger at all times.

--months 4-6--*absurdly* glowing happy time. Favorite pet could get killed and gutted by serial killer and pregnant woman would see the good side of it

--months 7-9, particularly 8 & 9-- "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!" but not in an irrational way, just grumpy yet oh-so logical. In fact, these feelings are multiplied with summer births 'cause you have no way to stay cool enough.

Um, yeah. Wow, you're just about to turn the corner into those last months, aren't you. look out Mr. Stinky!!!

Virtual OB/GYN

MagicalCoffeeCup said...
