August 11, 2007

Ow My Frickin' Face!

My vacation has started off quite well. Yesterday I decided to join Mr. Stinky on the deck as he BBQed dinner. As the sun was still out I pulled one of our camping chairs up against the corner of the deck where there was a bit of shade and settled down for a nice, relaxing spell just chatting and hanging out.

Out of nowhere a wasp dived at my face, full frontal attack. I yelled in surprise and swiped it away. It circled back and hit me for a second time, I could feel its legs on my face. Again I yelled, smacked it off me but this time I got up quickly (sort of) and ran away. Unbeknownst to us, there was a wasp nest tucked underneath the handrail of a corner of our desk and I had coincidentally parked my head a few scant inches from it. !! It was a newer nest, only about the size of those cute little round cakes of hotel soap so really, there were only about 8-10 wasps but they're still quite bothersome. And normally I don't care about bugs and such, I'm not one to run around, screaming and flapping my arms like an idiot when I see one but it's quite different when they're deliberately attacking me.

So yah, I got stung just below my eye and it burned. I immediately put ice on it for the swelling and the pain while Mr. Stinky carefully finished making dinner. Guess the venom got to my sinuses or something coz my nose started running for a little while but it wasn't a bad sting, I think I smacked it off before it dove its butt in too deeply. This morning the swelling's all gone and it doesn't hurt unless I rub it but I haven't turned Igor-ish so that's good enough.

Whiskey got out the door as Mr. Stinky went out to check on dinner and went straight for the nest. She parked herself in front of it and he had to drag her away by creeping in and grabbing her tail. What a fearless warrior (read: stupid) princess to want to help out her mistress.

Mr. Stinky avenged me, he put a few kinks in the hose and turned it up. Next he positioned himself strategically some distance away and released those kinks, blasting the nest and wasps into oblivion. Of course being the vindictive person that I am, I did my due diligence by burning up any wasps that remained with one of my trusty BBQ lighters. This morning a few stragglers congregated where the nest used to be and again I charged in with my lighter. I managed to get another one. Take that, stupid bugs, sting me will you?!?


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

Oh no!
That's awful :((

I hope you're doing much better today!

We miss you already *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Ouch Stinkyt, I'm sure Mr. Stinky put his skills to good use in "aiding" you! I know its a little late, but ice cubes are magic for stings!