September 30, 2008

Please Adjust the Colour on Your TV

So I’ve been in a shoe-buying mindset lately. Everytime I pass by a shoe store there’s no resistance to drifting in and perusing the selection. I’d like something dressy yet comfy and with heels, please. Sometimes I feel, as a woman that I fall embarrassingly short when it comes to shoe ownership. While people like Amy manages to store a moving box full of shoes under her desk along with many more pairs living at home I think my total sum of footwear is less than what she’s got at work.

Anyway, recently at the mall I spotted a pair that might fit my criteria and I hurriedly grabbed it off the wall. Upon closer examination I thought that indeed it was my glass slipper equivalent except for the lingering nag that I couldn’t decide if it was black in colour, or brown. On its own it seemed pretty noir, but once held next to another shoe that was definitely black it seemed to cast a brownish glaze.

I decided that it must be brown, albeit a very dark brown. Since I was hoping for black, I turned to the lone sales rep in the store who was busy ringing in a customer. She looked up at me and said she’d be right there but I didn’t want to wait and said I just had one quick question. She accepted so I asked her if the shoe in my hand came in black.

The look I received was one in which I am crazy familiar. It’s the look I’ve given people on many occasion, the one where you’re not entirely sure how to react to the question, remark or action that was just presented. You know, that blank expression wondering “Is it just me or is it totally you?”.

“That.. is.. black.....”

I’m just going to buy those shoes online instead.

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