September 22, 2008

Tip Me

Mr. Stinky and I recently went out to dinner without Bug-bug. For that, we had H babysit which was a good thing because they always tire each other out.

We left her $20 to call for pizza or whatever delivery food she wanted and off we went. Dinner was nice, I didn't have to keep the Cheerio supply constant nor did I have to hoover in my food and tend to an impatient baby wanting mommy's fingers to help her walk up and down the universe.

Upon our return we got the rundown on what the girls did and how much fun they had. Then H turns to me and complained about the delivery guy ripping her off. Turns out her order for $14.something came and she handed the guy a $20 bill only to have him turn around and drive off without getting her any change.

Now you'd think he was only in the driveway and she could've chased him down but with a baby on her hip and the element of surprise sprung, delivery guy made a clean getaway. Almost.

I dialled head office and asked what's up with that kind of service. The operator lady was shocked by the situation and gave me two options: store credit which had to be used within 6 months or the guy comes back and we have a little face to face. I chose the latter. Oh me and delivery guy were gonna rumble!

No, not really. I just wanted my money back now as opposed to later when the possibility runs high that I forget about the store credit until 4 days after it expires.

After a short wait, delivery guy's car pulled up and he dumped a pile of change into my hands explaining in a contrite manner that he had a lot of deliveries. He didn't look at the bill and just assumed the $20 was a one-way exchange.

While I accepted his apology, I didn't tip him. If my butt and tip was on the line I'd be so apologetic you'd be writing me several blank checks and think that I was the victim instead of you. He might've been sincere but I'm also thinking that if the bill had been over $20 he sure as heck wouldn't have made the same assumption and taken off without checking the numbers over. Cynicism says he saw a busy, young mom too distracted by a wiggling baby to check the bill or do the math and tried to pull a fast one hoping by the time she found out it would've been too late. Guess I really do suffer from lack of faith in humanity.

Was I wrong? Should I have given delivery guy the benefit of the doubt and believed his story of forgetting to look and tipped him? Discuss amongst yourselves.

1 comment:

The Shuster said...

Did she order pizza from Rogers? They don't have any second thoughts about taking what's not theirs......oh wait, the company backed you, the customer, and not their theiving employee. That totally isn't Rogers.

Anyhow, to answer your question, I think you did the right thing but I guess coming from me that may not mean very much.