September 14, 2009

Collision Course Set!

Mr. Stinky and I went grocery shopping. We were in the produce section. While he was selecting several apples of choice for later consumption I pushed the cart. Very mundane, not at all interesting. Until the bumper cart rolled along.

A woman with a toddler in her cart decided to leave her little side street aisle to rejoin the main aisle, which was where I waited for Mr. Stinky. I had my cart pushed to the side so as not to block traffic. She wasn't paying absolute attention to her surroundings but didn't seem completely oblivious at the same time so let's just call her careless. As she swung her cart into the main aisle she took the corner way too sharply and smashed into the front corner of my cart. Hard enough to jettison my cart backwards and into my ever expanding belly.

I was a little bemused by this woman and it probably showed on my face. She flicked her eyes up at me with a harried expression and uttered a quick "sorry" to which I responded with a bland smile and "OK". To allow her safe passage I pulled my cart back a few inches so we wouldn't be wedged together any longer.

Instead of correcting the position of her cart she pushed her cart forward and therefore staying the course of her previous ramming path, abused my cart and belly some more. The carts were locked and screaming at each other and still she pushed. Remember I said I was in the main aisle, right? That means there was plenty of space in which to maneuver, but I suppose she decided the quickest way out of there was to scrape her cart all along the corner of mine violently before finally becoming free of entanglement. In terms of being in actual cars, my front corner would've been quite smashed up while her car would have been smashed and scraped up all down the side. And still she kept going.

After this incident Mr. Stinky returned with a bag of apples and made a comment about female Asian drivers and I laughed loudly. In the parking lot, we gave her plenty of time to load up and drive away before we dared tread on the same roadways. I still can't believe how poorly she handled her cart but has a driver's licence.

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