August 11, 2005

Off With Your Pom Poms!

Poor little Iggy Pop... today's his last full day of being all male and we hope the operation goes well. He'll be meeting his fate tomorrow at the vet's office (which, by the way, is the same office where a girl I grew up with back in my church days is now a vet). He's getting declawed too coz he won't keep them sheathed, he likes to fly and cling onto things. Sometimes screaming and bleeding ensues. He can jump (most of the way) and claw his way up on a window sill almost 5 feet off the ground.

We joke that his testicles look like pom poms coz, if you've ever seen an intact male, that's what they look like. Especially since he's cream coloured and they're dark brown. I talk about the most appropriate things. Bwah!

Interestingly enough, I'm currently reading a book about the Boxer Rebellion that occurred in China in 1900. Eunichs are discussed which is neat coz they were actually a large group of "semi-men" with certain political powers. They even carried out a lot of "accidental deaths" by order of the Emperor. Men could choose to become eunichs at any age and some had kids before making the decision. The penis and testicles were cut off with a sharp knife in one swift cut. Eunichs usually had a sour, rank smell for the rest of their lives due to their inability to "hold it" or hold anything in anymore. Grooooss.

OK, so my cat won't become a eunich but losing 2 out of 3 bits can't be such a happy thing either.

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