August 08, 2005

Peter Jennings (1938-2005)

I had wanted to talk about my camping trip this past weekend. But then I picked up the paper this morning and saw that Peter Jennings had passed away. I'd rather write about him and what he meant to me.

I don't know Peter Jennings, other than what he looks like and what he does. He doesn't particularly mean anything to me, although he does have Hollywood-good looks. He's got a deep, but comforting voice that reassures the viewers that no matter how sad and despairing the news items he delivers, there are also good things going on in the world.

For as long as I can remember, he was a part of my childhood. Every night my dad would turn the TV channel to ABC's "World News Tonight" at 6:30pm. Sometimes I felt irritated coz we were already in the middle of CFTO News and besides, it's "Ah-merrr-ican" news... who cares? But he did and he wanted to hear about more than just the local happenings. It was always Peter Jennings, my dad never watched other newscasts.

I didn't really watch his news or pay attention... well sometimes I would just to hang out with my dad. What was important to me was being with him, I wanted to sit and be with him when he came home from work. It's the end of the day and everyone's tired and looking to unwind. I remember asking him questions on the occasion I did listen to the news and sometimes he'd answer me. Other times he was so into the story he'd be leaning towards the TV, concentrating hard and wouldn't even hear me.

I also remember Peter Jenning's voice filling the room, even when I was somewhere else doing something else. I grew up with Peter Jennings talking about the changing world, sometimes people are around for so long you think they might live forever.

So hearing that he had passed away from lung cancer, I felt sad. Sad for his family, sad for the world, and sad for me. One of my more memorable childhood experiences is gone forever. He won't be there anymore when I flick through the channels, his voice won't fill the living room anymore. I still remember fondly the good 'ole days of hanging out with my dad and Peter Jennings. Those were some good times.

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