August 15, 2005

Superman.. HELP!

How do you resolve/get over/undo/whatever a situation where you know a great, big, fat wrong has been committed (nothing illegal, but you know in your gut it's wrong) but you can't?

For example:
-throwing that very expensive sweater into the dryer when it's practically screaming "DRIP DRY ONLY" coz you forgot to do the laundry last night and now you absolutely need need your lucky sweater for that interview in an hour
-deciding that, during your drunkest moment, you need to even out those bangs
-keeping quiet while Sally, your BFF says "I do" to George even though you know he's a complete sleeze who cheats on her and you should know coz he told you he loves you 2 weeks ago, the lying shithead

So we need Superman to come and start spinning the world backwards so I can go back in time to fix this thing somehow (and smack a few people in the process) and I come out the happy winner. Because as long as I'm happy, who the hell cares about anything else?

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