November 17, 2005

What Do Your Babies Like to Eat?

I was just thinking about it downstairs while patiently holding out a cheesy puff for my princess Whiskey. You see, she likes them. Only Cheetos brand, there are no substitutes and I totally agree. She likes to inspect everything we eat before we eat it, and we've found that there are a few human foods that she will eat.

She doesn't really eat the cheesy puff, mostly she licks it all around.. get that furry coating of cheese. Sometimes she'll gently bite down on a corner of one, but she really just likes the best part: the taste. She also likes butter, melted butter. It is gross considering she licks herself.. everywhere but she gets first dibs on my toast while it's fresh and buttered. But then I don't think I'm all that gross when I think about dog owners getting sloppy kisses. Besides, my Whisk can do no wrong.

My first cat which now belongs to my mom and dad, Kit Kat liked yogurt and Timbits. I say liked, coz now she won't let me get close enough to her for me to try feeding her. But when I lived at home, I'd spoon-feed her my yogurt before I stirred it. Yum! When daddy came home from work with the leftover Timbits, I'd pick out an original, the only kind she liked. Then we'd sit on the kitchen floor and she'd eat the morsels as fast as I ripped them off the Timbit. If I wasn't fast enough feeding her, she'd put her paw on my hand and stick her face into the Timbit. The glutton.

Iggy... we're not sure. Since he's only 9 months old we haven't had quite too much time to really get to know him. What I can say is, he's like a dog. He'll put anything in his mouth and try it: litter, leaves, dirt, hair, etc.

We're not ready for a dog yet, but we eagerly await the stage in our lives when we feel we'll be able to raise one. In the meantime, we jet to the in-laws' to visit their "special" bull terrier Dillon (also Dodo, Ro!Ro!, and any kind of repetitive grunting). He's special in many ways, paper blowing by makes him shake with fear but throw a ball into a briar patch and he dives headfirst into it. When he's upset with you he won't look at you and will keep turning his head away to avoid eye contact. He doesn't do stairs or couches well, he prefers being lifted into place. The list goes on and on, but we should get back to the point. What does he like to eat?

As a dog, there's not much he doesn't like. OK, he doesn't like grapes a whole lot coz they're smooth and round and squirts out of his mouth when he tries to bite down. But other than that, he's game. At the top of his list: poo. Mmmm! His favourite favourite: goose poo! Walks in the park have provided him with some of his best meals. You can watch and catch him before he gets most of it, but let your guard down and he just inhales as much and as fast as he can. Being a dog, eating is a timed Olympic sport.

I know. Gross. Goose poo breath. It's a good thing he's not big on kisses. Just don't let him lick your toast.

By the way, he likes to be spoon-fed too.

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