December 19, 2006

Hola, Malditas!

We got back last night and the first thing we did was go get some Timmy's. Isn't that sad? Anyway, I don't know a lick of Spanish but I sure do know how to pick out the juicy words in the subtitles from the TV shows. They'll be put to good use.

So the question was, can one live all week in their swimsuits? The resounding answer is hell yah. Except for in the dining areas it was pretty much all I wore around the resort.

Had a good time, did lots, slept lots and sunned lots. I aimed for a lovely golden toasty colour but SPF's got nothing on the Costa Rican UVs and I come back as dark toast. Mr. Stinky's also toasty bronze and diligently peeling all over the place. We're both itchy as hell, him from the sun but both mostly due to all the bug bites we endured. The downside to having so much exposed skin all day long is the buffet feast the mosquitoes get to enjoy as they claimed dominion over all parts of our bodies. Let me tell you, some of the bites... dude. Those bugs could've at least offered me a cigarette afterwards. Maldicion!

Flight there wasn't too exciting besides the in-flight entertainment. Guy beside me was separated from his girlfriend on the other side of the aisle and they put on quite the PDA show until about an hour into the flight when Cole's Notes version, he wanted to watch the movie and her words exactly, "Pay attention to me! You never talk to me!! We're in a relationship!!!" Dramatic Princess Alert! Histrionics I do not enjoy. These kinds of people make me want to engage in some sort of violent act upon their bodies. At first Mr. Stinky and I were amused but when the flight's 5 hours long it does get tiring after awhile. Would've been a good time to learn invisibility to dole out a backhand or two. They made a very shaky truce at the end of the flight. Oh yes, Costa Rica's very hilly.

Upon reaching San Jose airport we needed to board a regional flight to get to the resort. It was a tiny plane, think Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom small and rickety. Looked like same era kind of nuts and bolts too. During the flight something started beeping and I had fanciful thoughts of adventures with the giant rubber raft flying through the air, sledding down a snow capped mountain and landing in a river in India to be greeted by some wizened and esoteric shaman. We made it OK, you can unclench your fists. I know you were worried a little bit.

After being tagged and released at the front desk we were left to our own devices. We had a great view of the ocean from our balcony and were happy to score such a nice location that was a little bit away from the main resort.

We went on several excursions, horseback riding, ATVing, zip lining through the canopy and snorkeling at Tortuga Island. All very fun but I have to say the best was the horseback ride. Our guide took us through the hills, farm fields and orchards, across creeks and along the beach. I don't think many things can top the experience of galloping along a beautiful beach at top speeds. Mr. Stinky and I raced each other for what seemed like forever it was so cool. We even got to see some wildlife, like the Mantled Howler Monkey. Couldn't catch. No Christmas monkeys this year, sorry. No Christmas iguanas either, Mr. Stinky couldn't snag one of those ugly things.

I don't recommend resort vacationing unless you don't want to do anything but lounge all day long. It does get kind of boring after several days even though frolicking in the ocean with boogie boards and sea kayaks took place almost daily. There's only so much you can do from one base camp. I think I prefer cruises and car vacations much more as each day is different. The food at the resort wasn't great either, everyday it was the same stuff over and over again and the quality was marginal at best. Think cafeteria food. They claim to have two restaurants, the steakhouse and a seafood place but the latter never opened once the entire week we were there despite the fact that they kept taking dinner reservations everyday. ?? They've also erected a Discoteca which came with exactly one tune looped at maximum volume and defibrillating bass all night long. Very annoying, not easy to sleep when all you hear and feel in bed is the constant thudding into early morning. But definitely the land and people were awesome. So bottom line: Costa Rica si, (hidden message alert) Barcelo Playa Tambor, no.

To revel in our last week a little bit longer, a few more pictures from paradise. They have all kinds of crazy birds and animals down there. Here are a few pelicans waiting by the docks for the plentiful bounty of fish guts tossed by the local fisherman. Who doesn't enjoy a free lunch? And two of the most adorable dogs who were our faithful companions for a whole morning as we took a long trek along the ocean trail. Rental fee was one smooshed NutriGrain bar we weren't going to eat anyway, how cheap was that?

Palm trees all over the resort, not so prevalent everywhere else. Still very pretty, as is evident from my hammock. And lastly, I've been told that I have nice feet. I know that the salty lech said that so he could get into my pants but looking at how happy they are, what more do I need to add really?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time! Great photos! I’m a little disappointed about the monkeys though, especially after you and Mr. Stinky took my non-refundable deposit of $4,500…..

Stinky T said...

Oh... I thought that was just the usual monthly fee you pay so that I'd be your friend.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you two had a great time :) I'm insanely jealous now :(

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome trip..As for the resort...All Barcelo resorts are like that...I stayed at one in Nicarauga and it sounds exactly the same as that...

Stinky T said...

That's sad. Now I know to avoid this particular chain, thanks for the heads up.