December 27, 2007

Boxing Day Giant

I usually don't go out and mosh with the crowds coz I don't like crowds but yesterday Mr. Stinky and I decided to venture out and introduce the baby to the crazy, crazy world of mob shopping.  We stuck mainly to the boring places (furniture stores) but did hop along to a nearby Best Buy just to check out what the draw was.

I've always been super annoyed with people who take massive strollers out to crowded places and bung up traffic.  Now I'm one of them.  Oh well.  Mr. Stinky got through the doors and thought I was right behind him except some guy who just purchased a gigantic flat screen TV of no particular brand was coming out of the doors.  I waited for him to pass before pushing through, except his TV fell off the end of his cart.  He hurriedly tried to toss the TV back onto his cart but with no one to hold the cart in place, it kept rolling backwards and the poor guy's brand new TV hit the ground two more times before his wife caught up to help him.

Having caught that bit of comedy, I proceeded to inch towards the doors but was cut off rather rudely by several eager shoppers.  This may be severely racist and stereotypical but these people are from regions of the world where lining up for something is not done.  It bothers me immensely when I line up patiently for something like the bus and when it comes a swarm of people appear.  Anyway.  So I tried to carefully enter the doors while the eager shoppers actually hopped around or contorted themselves around the stroller when out of nowhere the biggest, tallest, most awesomest man came to rescue me.  He grabbed one of them by the arm and yanked him out of my way like he was swatting a fly.  Dude.  That guy flew back like a piece of paper.  Images of Chara and McCabe fighting from a few years ago sprang to mind and while I giggled away madly inside my head, I politely thanked my knight in shining leather (his jacket was longer than my height!) and finally walked into the store to rejoin Mr. Stinky.  

Inside the store I hung out near a relatively safe display and Mr. Stinky snaked his way around the store to look at a few things.  The entire time I had my eyes on Mr. Humongosaurus doing his own shopping, he was not easy to miss, he towered over every single display rack.  He looked like he could be dangerous but as I watched him interact and laugh with the store staff I decided that he was just a big, tall teddybear.  I might've drooled a little just being in his presence, I'm a sucker for cool people like that.

We didn't stay long, just a few minutes.  There wasn't anything really worth buying but it was fun nonetheless.  But who cares, that wasn't the story anyway.

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