December 31, 2007

Bye Bye, 2007

So this is the final 2007 post, it's been a good year.  Had a great pregnancy, not such a fun birthing experience and sometimes the Fusspot made me want to build a time machine to go back to the past and change a few things.  On the upside, mommy can go back to dealing with her issues with the occasional drink that always puts a smile right back on her face.  Oh how I've missed my wine while pregnant, it's such a joy to be able to enjoy alcohol again even if it's in small amounts.  A memorable night was had recently at Oscar's when there was the chance to sample from several bottles due to the number of people in attendance.

Anyway, so the holidays were good.  The baby was mostly well behaved, except for a few times when we saw family and she was overwhelmed, swarmed, tossed around like a hot potato and yelled at (Asians are especially loud and excitable).  But then, I can't really blame her for being upset when she was just obviously scared.  Of note, one of the grandmas (my mom) should never drink when the Fusspot is around.  A few drops of the fun juice revs up her loud and excitability factor exponentially.  Hot potato turned into a rugby scrum and I had to step in several times to rescue my screaming baby lest she become many baby parts before the night's end.

Fusspot is all ready for the New Year celebration tonight, within the last week she has discovered screeching.  At first very cute, it has now become a nails on chalkboard kind of scream she incessantly enjoys making.

So there you go, I gotta get back to my New Year's party.  It's all about video games, snacks and Jell-o shots.  I just had my first... never was a big fan of vodka but it'll do.  See you all in the new year.  

December 27, 2007

Boxing Day Giant

I usually don't go out and mosh with the crowds coz I don't like crowds but yesterday Mr. Stinky and I decided to venture out and introduce the baby to the crazy, crazy world of mob shopping.  We stuck mainly to the boring places (furniture stores) but did hop along to a nearby Best Buy just to check out what the draw was.

I've always been super annoyed with people who take massive strollers out to crowded places and bung up traffic.  Now I'm one of them.  Oh well.  Mr. Stinky got through the doors and thought I was right behind him except some guy who just purchased a gigantic flat screen TV of no particular brand was coming out of the doors.  I waited for him to pass before pushing through, except his TV fell off the end of his cart.  He hurriedly tried to toss the TV back onto his cart but with no one to hold the cart in place, it kept rolling backwards and the poor guy's brand new TV hit the ground two more times before his wife caught up to help him.

Having caught that bit of comedy, I proceeded to inch towards the doors but was cut off rather rudely by several eager shoppers.  This may be severely racist and stereotypical but these people are from regions of the world where lining up for something is not done.  It bothers me immensely when I line up patiently for something like the bus and when it comes a swarm of people appear.  Anyway.  So I tried to carefully enter the doors while the eager shoppers actually hopped around or contorted themselves around the stroller when out of nowhere the biggest, tallest, most awesomest man came to rescue me.  He grabbed one of them by the arm and yanked him out of my way like he was swatting a fly.  Dude.  That guy flew back like a piece of paper.  Images of Chara and McCabe fighting from a few years ago sprang to mind and while I giggled away madly inside my head, I politely thanked my knight in shining leather (his jacket was longer than my height!) and finally walked into the store to rejoin Mr. Stinky.  

Inside the store I hung out near a relatively safe display and Mr. Stinky snaked his way around the store to look at a few things.  The entire time I had my eyes on Mr. Humongosaurus doing his own shopping, he was not easy to miss, he towered over every single display rack.  He looked like he could be dangerous but as I watched him interact and laugh with the store staff I decided that he was just a big, tall teddybear.  I might've drooled a little just being in his presence, I'm a sucker for cool people like that.

We didn't stay long, just a few minutes.  There wasn't anything really worth buying but it was fun nonetheless.  But who cares, that wasn't the story anyway.

December 07, 2007

Nanou and the Tap-tap Shoes

Nanou is the nickname of my first friend in elementary school when my family moved to the GTA.  Her real name of course I won't use, but is also what we named our Fusspot.  I have a lot of special memories of Nanou, the second of a large family of girls and one boy I met her on my first day of school.

It was grade 2, I tugged on my teacher's sleeve at recess time and told her that I didn't have anyone to play with... to this day I can't believe I did that since by grown up standards that is the lamest thing in lamedom you could ever do but then again, kids are much more honest and open.  It was the truth and I needed someone to play with.  So after I told her that, she asked the class if there was anyone who would play with me.  I don't remember how many people volunteered but Nanou was the loudest and most insistent.  We became instant friends.

It was serendipity that she lived two doors down from me.  We spent a lot of time playing and laughing before her family outgrew their house and moved a few streets away to continue their expansion.  Nanou was a special creature, she was beautiful with blond hair and blue eyes but she was also incredibly intelligent and free spirited.  She could command attention easily but it was her ability to make people laugh, and her fearless feats of physical comedy that would years later make me think of Lucille Ball... she still makes me smile.

Every once in awhile we would plan to bring our tap-tap shoes to school.  They were simply our pretty dress shoes with a bow in the front and a little bit of heel to make a young girl feel all grown up.  When it was time to go to the washroom we would both ask the teacher for permission and with an arm over each others' shoulder we'd tap our way merrily down the hall cum personal dance floor to the washroom.  Sometimes we'd lose track of time and take too long, our teacher caught onto us and banned our together washroom trips after that.  We were resigned to tap-tap during recess and lunch time when everyone else was around and it was never the same. 

We went our separate ways come high school and didn't see much of each other anymore.  Once in awhile I would bump into her father, a slight man of stature with exceptional intelligence and manners who could put the fear into anyone who dared test his patience.  Of  our conversations he would always proudly sing of Nanou's accomplishments as a young lady coming into her own, bringing home report cards filled with only the letter A and preparing for a bright future doing whatever she wanted.

After awhile I didn't see him anymore so there was no more catching up.  I rarely saw her either.  Imagine my shock when one day out of the blue I saw my old friend as a stranger who would not acknowledge my presence.  From the beautiful and happy girl next door she had transformed into a beautiful but cold goddess.  The smile was gone, she looked so forbidding.  She was completely buried underneath layers of hairspray, eye shadow and leather.  She could have been 20 if not for the fact that she still looked like a young girl, I didn't talk to her.  I didn't know how. 

Her tap-tap shoes had turned into dangerous stilettos, all sharp and daring.  I looked down at my feet and saw an old pair of grubby runners so worn that walking across the dew covered grass in the morning my socks would get wet.  We obviously existed on completely different dimension with nothing left in common upon hitting puberty.  I turned to baggy clothes and sports, she embraced the lifestyle of high fashion and sleeping around.  Last I heard she had become a mother several times before leaving her teenaged years and dropped out of school.

I often wonder where she is now and what she's doing.  Does she remember our time together when we pretended to be mermaids during recess and made faces at each other just for laughs?  Would we have anything to say to each other should we ever meet again?  I look at my Fusspot  and hope that she's as fearless and funny and smart as Nanou was, that she'll wear her tap-tap shoes with another friend and be transported to their special dance floor.  But that's where the similarities should end, I hope that my Fusspot never loses her sparkle or smile and bright future when she could be whatever she wants to be.  I wish Nanou the best, I hope she's happy wherever she is. 

December 03, 2007

Sexy Hickey Story

Coz you know that title's full of crap.

A few days ago I had the Fusspot sitting on my lap and we watched TV together.  I decided that since she was relatively still - omg I think she's got some weird tic or something.  That kid never stops moving... even when she sleeps! - and her nails looked kind of long, I would give her a little manicure.

She's at the stage now where everything gets sucked on; her fist, her fingers, her bib, the shoulders on her sweaters which is convenient if all she has to do it turn her head to the side, her toys, your hand should it get close enough... There's a lovely gloss of baby drool on any and everything she can get her mouth on.  You could even say it's festive at this time of the year.  But really, it's just gross.

So while I was cutting her nails she turned her head and started licking my inner arm.  No wait, my stunningly toned and tanned bicep.  I was cool with this, if she was distracted long enough I could finish her nails and not have to leave that one sharp claw for later because she was tired of staying still and started to fuss.

Snip snip... suck suck... snip... babies have very good sucking abilities.  Very strong suction.  My arm (toned and tanned bicep) started to hurt.  Then it really started to hurt.  I hurriedly finished the manicure and pulled the little parasite off my arm only to find a very red and angry memory of times gone by, my daughter had given me a hickey.  This is stuff from like, forever ago.  What the hell indeed.