August 30, 2005

Sleep, Interrupted

Iggy is a pest. He torments Whiskey constantly, and doesn't know when to draw the line. We are also subjected to the never-ending pain that is Iggy, albeit in a slightly different form.

He is super affectionate and I don't mean "for a cat/animal". He is a freak of nature that loves to love. Not in the humping things kind of way, no no. He's a "loving you 'til you smother" kind of guy. He has a very loud purr that will wake you up from your deepest slumber and that's when he's most likely to strike. Sometimes he'll come snuggle when we're on the couch watching TV too. He doesn't just purr until he's settled down, he will go on until he passes out and I don't know how long that is because I've never been able to outwait him.

Purring aside, he's a kneader and a head butter. He will head butt (hard) the tub, toilet, chins, walls, etc. His favourite position is nestled between my shoulder and head, massaging my neck while purring and hypnotizing himself, you have to see his "dazed" face. That's not the end of it. While he's blissed out he will actually start to drool. I have looked at him and seen it running down his mouth and dripping off his lips, and onto me. Soaking me. Numerous times. What the hell, cats can drool?!?? While cute at the beginning, we don't allow him to do this anymore and will push him away. He has learned somewhat, but will still try to sneak in some cuddle time when he can... with mommy. He will ignore Mr. Stinky, but he will not leave me alone!

Last night we were tired. I had a little bit of alcohol and we slept deeply. At 4:01am the devil struck. I was awoken by loud purring and a fuzzy head rubbing/head butting my hand. Pushed him away. He climbed onto the bed and head butted my face. Pushed him away. Repeat twice. Nestles between my ankles and does the army crawl (lying on belly, pulling oneself forward with arms only) up to my neck. Pushing away evolves into throwing off the bed. Mr. Stinky hisses at him, I yell at him. This goes on for about 15 minutes, all the while he's purring away like a diesel engine reaching for my head or neck, until I finally had enough and lock him out of the room.

My sleep had been broken.

I wanted a lapcat, not one with a drooling fetish for my neck. And certainly not while I'm sleeping. Stupid cat.

August 28, 2005

Is the Love Gone?


I just want to establish that fact. As a red-blooded Canadian (no hyphens for me, thank you), I love my BBQ. It's a 365-day appliance and sits a mere two feet from our house, just on the other side of the sliding doors. We have two tanks on the go, no more half-cooked dinner fiascos! We give it attention every few days, clean the grills with every use... by the way, cast iron grills are the way to go! Purchase cost is a little more, but they really are the shiznit.

So yah, recently it came to light that maybe I'm getting a little barbeque worn. It seems we cook on it so often I'm looking forward to non-barbequed foods more. We had company this weekend and they brought steaks. While the steaks were really good and I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated them, they weren't special. As in, I have steaks so often I could actually go without for awhile.

For most people who don't barbeque as much and year-round as we do, including our friends who brought the steaks, this is a meal to look forward to. Listen to it sizzle, smell the beef, watch it grill, taste the moo-tastic-ness. Nothing says summer like throwing the meat on the BBQ and cracking open a beer... if your BBQ is a summer appliance. But you know, it's hard to beat the smell of the grill in the middle of winter when it's quiet outside, a blanket of snow on the ground and burgers and dogs (or your food of choice) are ready in 5.

What I'm trying to get at is that although I do love to BBQ, it's just another everyday way to make a meal. It's getting a little cooler, I think it's about time I can safely use my oven and slow cooker again without overheating the house. Who doesn't like to walk in the front door and smell a roast, lasagne or TURKEY cooking?

August 15, 2005

Superman.. HELP!

How do you resolve/get over/undo/whatever a situation where you know a great, big, fat wrong has been committed (nothing illegal, but you know in your gut it's wrong) but you can't?

For example:
-throwing that very expensive sweater into the dryer when it's practically screaming "DRIP DRY ONLY" coz you forgot to do the laundry last night and now you absolutely need need your lucky sweater for that interview in an hour
-deciding that, during your drunkest moment, you need to even out those bangs
-keeping quiet while Sally, your BFF says "I do" to George even though you know he's a complete sleeze who cheats on her and you should know coz he told you he loves you 2 weeks ago, the lying shithead

So we need Superman to come and start spinning the world backwards so I can go back in time to fix this thing somehow (and smack a few people in the process) and I come out the happy winner. Because as long as I'm happy, who the hell cares about anything else?

August 11, 2005

Off With Your Pom Poms!

Poor little Iggy Pop... today's his last full day of being all male and we hope the operation goes well. He'll be meeting his fate tomorrow at the vet's office (which, by the way, is the same office where a girl I grew up with back in my church days is now a vet). He's getting declawed too coz he won't keep them sheathed, he likes to fly and cling onto things. Sometimes screaming and bleeding ensues. He can jump (most of the way) and claw his way up on a window sill almost 5 feet off the ground.

We joke that his testicles look like pom poms coz, if you've ever seen an intact male, that's what they look like. Especially since he's cream coloured and they're dark brown. I talk about the most appropriate things. Bwah!

Interestingly enough, I'm currently reading a book about the Boxer Rebellion that occurred in China in 1900. Eunichs are discussed which is neat coz they were actually a large group of "semi-men" with certain political powers. They even carried out a lot of "accidental deaths" by order of the Emperor. Men could choose to become eunichs at any age and some had kids before making the decision. The penis and testicles were cut off with a sharp knife in one swift cut. Eunichs usually had a sour, rank smell for the rest of their lives due to their inability to "hold it" or hold anything in anymore. Grooooss.

OK, so my cat won't become a eunich but losing 2 out of 3 bits can't be such a happy thing either.

August 08, 2005

Peter Jennings (1938-2005)

I had wanted to talk about my camping trip this past weekend. But then I picked up the paper this morning and saw that Peter Jennings had passed away. I'd rather write about him and what he meant to me.

I don't know Peter Jennings, other than what he looks like and what he does. He doesn't particularly mean anything to me, although he does have Hollywood-good looks. He's got a deep, but comforting voice that reassures the viewers that no matter how sad and despairing the news items he delivers, there are also good things going on in the world.

For as long as I can remember, he was a part of my childhood. Every night my dad would turn the TV channel to ABC's "World News Tonight" at 6:30pm. Sometimes I felt irritated coz we were already in the middle of CFTO News and besides, it's "Ah-merrr-ican" news... who cares? But he did and he wanted to hear about more than just the local happenings. It was always Peter Jennings, my dad never watched other newscasts.

I didn't really watch his news or pay attention... well sometimes I would just to hang out with my dad. What was important to me was being with him, I wanted to sit and be with him when he came home from work. It's the end of the day and everyone's tired and looking to unwind. I remember asking him questions on the occasion I did listen to the news and sometimes he'd answer me. Other times he was so into the story he'd be leaning towards the TV, concentrating hard and wouldn't even hear me.

I also remember Peter Jenning's voice filling the room, even when I was somewhere else doing something else. I grew up with Peter Jennings talking about the changing world, sometimes people are around for so long you think they might live forever.

So hearing that he had passed away from lung cancer, I felt sad. Sad for his family, sad for the world, and sad for me. One of my more memorable childhood experiences is gone forever. He won't be there anymore when I flick through the channels, his voice won't fill the living room anymore. I still remember fondly the good 'ole days of hanging out with my dad and Peter Jennings. Those were some good times.

August 03, 2005

Eau De TTC

Seems like I'm not the only thing stinky around here. For those of you who take the subway a lot, you'll know what I'm talking about. I grew up on the TTC, taken it at all hours of the day, on many bus routes and have made a few observations. And smelled a few things.

I'd like to know why the University/Spadina line always has newer, better and cleaner trains than the Bloor/Danforth line. Kind of unfair to the east-west commuters. I had an appointment in Scarborough today and took the subway from work. The University/Spadina train was fine. It had a/c and it was neat. I then transferred onto the other subway and man did it stink! It was hot, sticky and smelled strongly of old urine. Eeeww. My sense of smell is somewhere between humans and wolves and strong smells really bother me. I had to move, it helped a little but still. Groooss.

Note to the TTC: Could you perhaps hose down the Bloor/Danforth trains once in awhile? And maybe hang up a few of those car fresheners to help mask the overwhelming aromas of B.O. and urine. Thank you in advance.

Love, Stinky T

August 02, 2005

Goodbye, My Love

So Gary's going to Florida. I'm so heartbroken, I really thought the Leafs would keep him. We hit it off the moment he came to Toronto in 2000 and it was just bliss since then. We whispered sweet nothings to each other over the phone late at night, he would scowl at the TV cameras during the games... his secret way of saying he adored me, and we'd pass each other notes of giddiness thru the complicated network of sportcasters, trainers, security, etc.

Such sweet love, such sorrowful goodbyes. I'll be thinking of you Gary, send me tickets when you settle in and I'll come visit when I can.